admin Posted on 7:23 pm

Daily nutrients the body needs and the best way to get them from real food

Here are 5 essential nutrients and the foods you get them from:

1. Protein:

The average RDA [Recommended Dietary Allowance] for women it is 45 grams and for men 55 grams. They are a crucial part of any diet and you can get them from beans, legumes, lentils, peas, sprouts, free-range eggs, raw milk, cheese, and yogurt.

2. Iron:

The average RDA for women 19 to 50 years of age is 18 mg, for women 51 years and older is 8 mg, and for adult men is 8 mg. Although iron is a very important nutrient for different processes in the body, its deficiency is quite common among people. Premenopausal and pregnant women are more prone to this deficiency. Visible symptoms of iron deficiency are feeling tired, low energy, headaches or hair loss, pale complexion and weak nails. For iron, you should include these in your diet: green leafy vegetables, nuts and beans, lentils, legumes, peas (cooked/sprouted), fruits, date syrup, and molasses.

3. Zinc:

The recommended daily dose for adult women is 8 mg and for men is 11 mg. It is an essential mineral that keeps the immune system healthy and plays an important role in the creation of DNA. The body does not store zinc, so it is needed daily from food. Zinc deficiency can lead to a weak immune system, stunted growth and loss of appetite, diarrhea, impotence, hair loss, and eye and skin lesions. Foods rich in zinc are cocoa, oysters and wheat germ.

4. Magnesium:

The RDA is 320 mg per day for women and 420 mg per day for men. Most adults do not meet the RDA. It controls the entry of calcium into cells, thus reducing the risk of cancer. Green leafy vegetables, starches, grains, nuts, and raw milk are good sources of magnesium.

5. Calcium:

The recommended daily dose for adults is 1000-1200 mg and is necessary for strong bones and teeth and a healthy nervous system. Dark green vegetables (broccoli, kale, and bok choy), sea vegetables (wakame, arame, dulse, hijiki, and kelp), and dairy products are high in calcium. Some of the other essential nutrients are Iodine, Vitamin B12 NS which can be found in many types of vegetables, lentils and grains. And essential fatty acids found in natural (unprocessed) cooking oils like coconut oil, sesame seed oil, olive, hemp, walnut, etc.

Now to the question, how can we make the most of these nutrients from food?

The answer is simple, cook your food in pure clay cookware. While conventional metal and ceramic cookware destroys delicate nutrients with strong near-infrared heat, pure clay cooks with food-friendly far-infrared heat. Also, the steam that escapes when cooking on metal/ceramic are essential water soluble nutrients that are lost. Pure Clay’s ergonomic design ensures that steam naturally condenses and settles back into food. Therefore, food cooked in pure clay is rich in nutrients and tastes better.

As you can see, adding these foods to your diet will ensure that your body gets essential nutrients regularly and that you live a healthy, disease-free life. And the only sure way to get them from food is to pay special attention to the cooking process or ‘food breakdown’. While what is available on the market today carelessly cooks food, destroying nutrients and making food toxic, the only pots they keep are pure clay pots and pans. Get yours today!

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