admin Posted on 5:06 pm

You say Merliton, I say Mirliton – A Merliton by any other name tastes just as sweet!

For those of you who don’t live in California, Florida, Louisiana, or Latin America, you may not be familiar with a merliton. Perhaps the names, chayote, vegetable pear, mango squash, cho-cho, xuxu or christophene are familiar to you. Everyone is referring to this versatile pumpkin-like vegetable that is grown around the world and goes by various names. Historically, it was a staple food of the Aztecs and Mayans.

What exactly is a Merliton?

A merilton is an edible plant in the Curcurbitaceae (squash) family along with melons, cucumbers, and squash. It is grown on a vine. It looks like a large, light green pear, similar in color to a Granny Smith apple. The interior is lighter in color with a large, smooth seed.

A merliton can be arranged in as many ways as a sweet potato. It can be stuffed, fried, baked, mashed, creamed, pickled, and buttered. The filling makes a great custard tart. It can be eaten raw and served cold in salads. It makes a great tasting soup and merliton fritters are a popular substitute for pancakes.

Many say that merlitones can be substituted for any recipe that calls for pumpkin. But I would add, for any recipe that calls for sweet potatoes as well.

Merlitons are a low calorie vegetable, only 40 calories per cup. They are also low in sodium and a good source of fiber. They are rich in amino acids and vitamin C.

How does a merliton taste?

Tastes good! A merliton tastes similar to summer squash, but a little sweeter. The exterior texture is a cross between a potato and a cucumber. The interior is more like an aubergine. I prefer it cooked, but many eat it raw or pickled.

A great low calorie snack is to shred and boil. Marinate with low-fat salad dressing in the refrigerator. Strips are a great snack when looking for something quick to chew on.

Where do I buy one and why are the Merlitons so good?

Although merlitones were native to the Mexica and Central America, they are now cultivated throughout the world. They can be found in ethnic markets, including Asian, Indian, Filipino, Caribbean, and Latin American. They can be found at your local “super” grocery store, but most likely they are not called merliton.

Merlitones are great because they taste so good and can be arranged in so many different ways. But best of all, most people have never heard of them. I live in Texas and they are my secret weapons to me. When I want to surprise my friends with my cooking skills, I cook a plate with merlitones. My Cajun Shrimp and Merliton Soup has my neighbors asking for more!

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