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Yoga Mythology and Philosophy Course

Yoga Mythology

Whether you are new to Yoga or have been practicing for years, this course will give you a deeper understanding of the yogic philosophy behind your practice. Explore the big questions and philosophies that have guided Yoga through thousands of years of evolution, as well as gaining an appreciation of how this ancient practice is relevant to modern life.

This is a unique opportunity to study with the world-renowned yoga master, Sri BNS Iyengar. He is the world’s oldest living yogi and a renowned Vedic scholar who is an expert in traditional Indian philosophies. Join us to study his groundbreaking insights into yoga as a spiritual practice and the philosophy of yogic asana.

Discover how the stories and myths of Online Yoga Mythology Course year history shape today’s yogic practices. Gain new ways to approach the many different perspectives on yoga’s enduring history and understand how today’s yoga is a mixture of ancient traditions with its roots still deeply rooted in India.

Yoga Mythology and Philosophy Course

Yoga is a popular exercise form used for more than just physical fitness. It is a philosophy of meditation, wellness and spiritual development that has its roots in Hinduism but has grown to be practiced by many cultures worldwide. Yoga’s philosophy is not based on any one religion or sect but it does share a common foundation with Hinduism and Jainism. This Professional Certificate Program will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to Yoga’s philosophy and its relation to these other religious traditions.

The earliest Vedic texts have little to say about yogic practices, but the Upanisads develop some of these ideas into an inward-focused yoga practice that seeks liberation from the cycle of karma that causes people to suffer through endless lifetimes. Patanjali developed these ideas further in his Yoga Sutras by emphasizing the importance of detachment and awareness, which he saw as the only path to liberation from the problems of suffering.

Yoga’s philosophy is about creating stronger and more harmonious relationships in the world, including those between family members, friends, co-workers, and community. It offers a variety of tools and techniques that can be applied to everyday life, from communication skills to conflict resolution and beyond. This course will teach you how to use Yoga’s principles and practices to create more harmonious relationships in your daily life, no matter the situation. You will also learn the value of group support and connection, which can be cultivated through Yoga’s practice of non-violence, truthfulness, and unconditional acceptance.

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