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LilyGO T-Display-S3 AMOLED Display for Computer Networking

LilyGO T-Display-S3 AMOLED Display for Computer Networking

LILYGO is an innovative company that offers a variety of IoT development boards. They recently unveiled a new T-Display S3 Pro model that features an AMOLED display screen and high resolution. It is also a multi-touch display with support for OTG capabilities.

This development board’s main control chip is the ESP32-S3. It also has a 1.9-inch LCD color display and two programmable buttons. Its I8080 interface allows for communication and retains the same layout design as previous T-Display models.


Designed for those who seek to create and innovate, the ESP32-S3 is more than just a development board. It is a gateway to creativity and technological exploration, whether you’re an experienced developer or an avid tech enthusiast.

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Featuring the ESP32-S3 control chip, this board is equipped with a 1.9-inch LCD color screen and two programmable buttons. It can be used for various applications, such as a computer monitor or a timer. It also features a USB interface for communication and programming.

This model is based on the previous T-Display S3 and uses the same ABC casing, ESP32-S3R8 microprocessor, and SPI interface. It can be programmed using the Arduino IDE, PlatformIO, or Micropython. It can also drive the display through QSPI mode, which quadruples the speed compared to SPI. It comes with a USB 2.0 cable for optimal performance. Please use it with caution. The shell is only available for soldered and non-soldered versions. A MIDI board can also be attached to this board.

1.9-inch TFT Display

If you’re looking for an affordable ESP32 development board with a screen, look no further than the LilyGO TTGO T-Display-S3. This advanced ESP32-based development board has a built-in 1.9-inch LCD display and solder headers. It’s also easy to program, just like an Arduino. It’s perfect for those who want to innovate and push the boundaries of technology.

Computer Networking

This ESP32-based development board is a great tool for students and professionals alike. Its ESP32-S3 control chip allows you to easily communicate with other devices. It also features a 1.9-inch ST7789 LCD color display, making it easy to build and test prototypes. It has a USB interface, allowing you to easily program and connect your project to a computer. It also supports the Arduino-IDE and Micropython programming platforms.


The TTGO T-Display-S3 is a microcontroller-based development board that includes a built-in TFT display and solder headers. It is easy to program, and can be powered by a USB-C cable. It is based on the ESP32-S3 control chip, and can be programmed using Arduino IDE or PlatformIO. It also supports ESP-IDF, which makes it easier to develop new projects.

LILYGO®T-Display-S3 1.9-inch LCD display

The T-Display-S3 ESP32-S3 1.9 inch ST7789 LCD Display Touch Screen Development Board, Touch Solder Version is perfect for anyone who wants to experiment with technology and develop innovative solutions. It features a 1.9-inch LCD color screen and two programmable buttons. It uses I8080 interface for communication, and retains the same layout design as previous T-Display models.

You can use this board with any SPI-compatible microcontroller to make an Internet of Things (IoT) project. It can also be used to create a simple computer monitor, timer, or classic games console. It can be driven through SPI, QSPI, or I2C interfaces.


The T-Display-S3 AMOLED is a display screen module that has been used in many projects. It can be integrated with any microcontroller that has SPI capability. Engineers have been able to use this product to create classic games, monitors, and timers. Its compact design and low power consumption make it ideal for wearable applications.

This T-Display-S3 development board from LILYGO is an advanced development kit designed for those who want to create and innovate. It features an ESP32-S3 control chip and a 1.9-inch LCD color display. The board also has a touch screen, making it more interactive. It is easy to program, just like an Arduino.

The T-Display-S3 development board uses the I8080 interface for communication. It has a layout design that is consistent with previous T-Display models. It can be directly used with ESP32-S3 for USB communication and programming, making it a versatile solution for a wide range of applications.

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