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Learn about products that give skin a healthy glow

Are there products that give a healthy glow to the skin? Many companies would have you believe that their creams, cleansers, toners, or astringents will do the job. But in many cases, all they do is turn your face red.

Shiny skin occurs as a side effect of exercise and excitement. Moisture in the air and moisture in skin cells can contribute to the effect. Makeup can enhance or detract from it, depending on the formula and the quality of the ingredients.

Brightness is associated with pregnancy. The effect may be due to happiness or health. Future mothers tend to focus more on their health. They usually try to eat right and take their prenatal vitamins as directed. Undoubtedly, hormones also play a role.

Estrogen performs many functions in the human body. The one related to a radiant complexion has to do with the production of melanin. Melanin is a pigment responsible for the color of the skin, hair and nails. There are several different types of melanin, which vary in color.

Pheomelanin has a more pinkish or reddish hue. Eumelanin has a more brownish hue. Estrogen increases the production of pheomelanin and reduces the production of eumelanin. Most people think that a rosy complexion is radiant. A woman’s estrogen levels increase during pregnancy. Therefore, her complexion is more likely to look like a rose bush, due to pheomelanin.

Would estrogen be a good ingredient for products that give skin a healthy glow? Some companies seem to think so. Some creams include ingredients such as estradiol (chemical form of estrogen). Others contain estrogen-rich placenta from cows or other animals. Doctors say we should avoid estrogen and estrogen-like compounds, as they could stimulate the growth of cancerous tumors.

How about some products that give your skin a healthy glow?

One of the best I have found is a deep cleansing mask that contains kaolin, bentone gel, and a variety of plant extracts and oils. Kaolin and Bentone Gel are clay extracts that gently remove dirt, toxins and dead cells from pores. They do not cause redness, burning or irritation. They leave my skin glowing.

Kaolin and bentone gel should not be used two or three times a month, as they can cause excessive drying. A good daily moisturizer can mimic the effect of sweating after exercising or living in a humid environment.

A good moisturizer is not only one of the products that give your skin a healthy glow, but it can also help prevent or reverse the visible signs of aging, if it contains the right ingredients. You will learn more about them in a future article.

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