admin Posted on 3:14 pm

Why is circuit training good for me?

Circuit training is a form of training that provides many advantages over, for example, just running. Here we will look at some of the benefits of attending a circuits class and what it can help us achieve.

There will normally be different levels of circuit classes at your local leisure center so I advise you probably shouldn’t start with the advanced class otherwise this can be a bit difficult! Start with the easiest stuff and hopefully this will give you a better introduction.

The way circuit classes are usually designed is to start with some stretching, then get your heart rate up with some form of physical exertion, depending on the type of class, this will typically involve running, jumping, etc. Once you’ve got your heart rate up, the idea is to keep it up for a reasonable period of time, completing short bursts of exercise. This will normally be between 1 and 2 minutes and then you will have a break. Different instructors will configure this in different ways, depending on their preferences. Then once completed you will have a warm up, then a stretch.

So that sounds like a lot of fun. I’m sure you’ll agree! So what good does it do? Depending on the types of exercises that are included in the circuit, you will typically find a cardiovascular benefit from completing the classes, as due to the nature of the circuit, you are working out in short bursts and then your heart rate will return to normal. An indicator of how fit someone is would be to see how quickly their heart rate returns to normal, so you can see how this can benefit you. Also, this type of training will definitely increase your stamina and physique if you are going to complete the classes regularly.

The types of exercises that can be included will be very broad and will depend on what the instructor is trying to accomplish. It will typically include a combination of the following cardio exercises, such as running, skipping, skipping, boxing, and some step-type aerobics. Then there will usually be some basic exercises, so sit-ups of some description. Then there may be some weight lifting exercises, which may include chest press, shoulder press. Within circuit classes there is usually a lot of focus on the legs, so you’ll need to do squats, burpees, lunges, and a wide variety of other exercises.

I personally find the circuit classes to be good as there is an instructor offering encouragement which can certainly help when you start to feel tired. Also, if you train with the same group of people over a period of time, you will start to see definite improvements in your fitness levels, and also the peer pressure to attend with people will act as part of the motivation to attend when you don’t. be. Want to go. You can easily build your own circuits and this can be as big or as small as you like.

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