admin Posted on 6:11 pm

Why do people think email marketing is a good idea?

If you are investing time and money in digital marketing for your business, you may have heard about how email marketing can serve your business. Email marketing is commonly considered as one of the most effective tools to promote your brand to potential customers, even surpassing other strategies like social media. Email marketing campaign services exist for a reason, after all.

If you’re new to digital marketing, you’re probably shaking your head in disbelief. How is it possible that this generation is still in email? Marketers know that email is not only alive, but still highly relevant, easy to use, inexpensive, and most importantly, effective. Here are reasons to invest in creating an email marketing campaign.

1. Email is not restrictive

We are past the phase where Facebook gives business owners and advertisers the opportunity to promote their brands, only to withdraw it after various privacy issues and algorithm changes. Fortunately for marketers, Facebook paves a way for online advertising, but it’s not the only possible method, or even the best.

This is where email shines. You don’t have to worry about any algorithm changes that could redirect your entire marketing strategy. In fact, you don’t even have to worry about your audience disappearing or moving to the next best platform.

Your email list is still a list of people who want to hear from you. Even if they choose to unsubscribe, the emails boast a 20 percent open rate, which is higher than Facebook’s equivalent metric, “people talking about this,” which sits at 5 percent.

2. Email stands the test of timeā€¦better than social media

Social media is fast-paced, which means your posts easily become old news in the span of two days or so. Emails can be longer than two days, because people don’t receive emails as fast as they consume social media updates, and with that, your emails won’t get deleted as easily.

3. Email marketing is easy to integrate with other digital marketing strategies

With emails, you can easily embed your social media accounts or your website. You can even encourage your recipients to follow your social media account through your email newsletter, and even regularly remind them to check your new blog posts.

4. Sending emails will help retain your customers

Sending emails regularly can increase the chances that your existing customers will buy from your brand again. In fact, not all of your emails have to be sales pitches; Emails can actually be a way to introduce your brand personality and values, and even encourage engagement with interactive content.

Case in point: Glossier, a US-based skin care brand, sends emails to its subscribers with random content, such as a photo of a kid to greet their customers with a “good day.” It is not only a great display of brand personality, but also a great way to encourage your customers from time to time to remind them of your business.

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies. Your first few attempts may not be as successful, but with persistent efforts, your ROI will skyrocket. If you need help with your marketing campaign, there are several email marketing campaign services ready to help, and they’re usually just an email away.

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