admin Posted on 6:04 pm

What percentage of men dream of sucking their penis? (autofellatio)

What percentage of men have really dreamed of performing autofellatio? “Dream” in the sense of a night dream (while sleeping) versus someone’s conscious desire to perform such an amazing task.

Apparently a lot of men. A survey showed that 97% of men had night dreams in which they dreamed that they were sucking their penis. In fact, it seems to be one of the most common dreams that men seem to share.

I’m certainly not a dream expert, but it would be interesting to see what a dream expert could say on the subject. I’m sure we can imagine what Sigmund Freud would say about having that night vision.

It would be interesting to note how many women have similar visions of performing autocunnilingus (where a woman orally stimulates her own vulva). I think the number of women would be reduced for a couple of reasons. First of all, it is more difficult for women to perform autocunnilingus than it is for men to perform autofellatio. Second, the male sexual organs are pointed, aggressive, and direct. While in women, they are recessed and hidden. These anatomical differences, I think, would make a difference in the way we would consciously or unconsciously move to attempt such a feat. That is, it would be more evident to men that this form of sexual intercourse could be achieved. Therefore, such innate desires are more likely to play out on the movie screen of the mind for men, rather than women, while we sleep.

So why is autofellatio such a common thread between men and their nocturnal thoughts? Something that most of us seem to share. I don’t know what the answer is, but I’m interested in exploring it.

kimi kalfino

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