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What is the best Head Start program to give your baby?

Head Start programs for infants can make or break their future success and achievement in school. Pushing too hard too soon can have serious negative implications later in life. I have seen many children freeze with anxiety and nervousness when reading or tackling new tasks due to early parental pressure to learn and perform early. We must provide opportunities for early learning that send pleasant signals to feed the brain. Any task that signals stress or pain will take a child away from learning.

The best Head Start program that parents can offer their baby is one that engages the child in learning in a natural cycle, appropriate for their level of brain development. If the brain is incorrectly wired early in life from strong startup programs, it can seriously inhibit life’s learning and success. The best way to build a child’s vocabulary is by regular reading and regular conversation. A child’s vocabulary level upon entering school will greatly help or hinder understanding of it.

The vocabulary and words that a child knows when entering school determines how much he will understand what the teacher tells him. Her child’s personal vocabulary level will feed or stifle her comprehension and comprehension of concepts.

To the best of my knowledge as a teacher, once a child starts struggling or falls behind in class, they have to work really hard to keep up. Most of the time, the gap widens and it is very difficult to recover. Reading to your baby early helps build this level of vocabulary so you have a good chance of having a good background knowledge of her world and are ready to understand her instructors at school. The simplicity of reading regularly to a baby or child is that it is not the toys in the house that will impact their future success. It is the words in their minds that are valuable for learning.

A child’s reading ability affects their entire report card, as reading is truly at the heart of education. Knowledge of almost all subjects in school comes from reading. You must be able to read the science experiment, you must be able to read the math problem, you must be able to read the questions on your tests to understand the assignments.

Many people think that the best way to build a baby’s vocabulary is simply to talk a lot. While this is still recommended and very wise, many people overlook the impact that reading to a baby can have on their vocabulary acquisition. In fact, it’s proven that talking is inferior to writing and reading when it comes to building vocabulary. It is the less common and rarer words that we use when speaking or reading to the baby that effectively build her vocabulary and consequently strengthen her reading.

Children’s books and even picture books are known to use a significantly higher rate of odd words than those spoken in everyday language at home. To expose the baby to rarer words to build her vocabulary, we must read to her. By this we do not mean read the encyclopedia. Just read books that interest them and are enjoyable.

Vocabulary and background knowledge are the key prerequisites before starting school. Parents need to regularly and consistently read to their baby and talk frequently. Remember that babies and children learn more from their parents. Simply put, the best Head Start programs for parents to consider for their baby are not workbooks, exercises, or skills programs.

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