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What is BPS? “BPA free” awareness

BPS, (Bisphenol-S), is an organic compound prepared by the reaction of 2 equivalents of phenol and 1 equivalent of sulfuric acid. Some refer to it as the cousin of BPA, a carbon-based synthetic compound. There is a great opportunity for human exposure to this chemical without knowing its potential health impact.

BPS is now being used as a replacement for BPA in hard plastics, thermal and recycled paper products. Some consumer products include: cash register receipts, tickets, postal envelopes, luggage tags, airline boarding passes, paper money, newspapers, flyers, magazines, ultrasound results, baby bottles, and other hard plastics. BPS is less likely to leach into food/beverages from plastics than BPA, but according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), it is up to 19 times more absorbable through the skin than BPA! BPS can also enter our bodies through hand-to-mouth contact.

The skin is the largest organ of the body. What you put on your skin is absorbed into your body, which affects your overall health. Since BPS is now in so many consumer products that are touched daily, repeatedly, this raises awareness of the potential for toxic hazards and risk to overall health.

Most people are aware of BPA (Bisphenol A), a substance that has caused great controversy in recent years. This compound mimics estrogen in the body, disrupting hormones. It can seep into food or drinks from plastic containers. Almost everything it comes into contact with, from plastics to PVC pipes, canned goods, plastic baby toys, world currency, thermal receipt paper, and dental sealants, are primary sources of BPA.

BPA is known to be especially dangerous to pregnant women, infants, and children. In September 2010, Canada declared BPA to be a toxic substance, but to date no other country has done the same. The United States and Canada have banned BPA in baby bottles. Some manufacturers have not completely eliminated BPA, only a percentage. With widespread consumer outrage, many manufacturers have begun making “BPA-free” products. This label is very appealing to health-conscious consumers, but unfortunately it may just be a marketing ploy by the manufacturer. Health-conscious consumers think they are avoiding toxic substances when they could be ingesting something worse.

The BPS investigation is still in its infancy. There is still much to learn about this compound. A recent study in Environmental Science and Technology says more toxicological research is required before we know if BPS is safer than BPA. No conclusive laboratory tests report cancer, heart problems, infertility, or other health problems caused by BPS. However, studies have revealed that BPS appears in human urine at levels equivalent to BPA. GreenMedInfo reports that “it is less biodegradable than BPA, which means it can have worse effects on the environment and human health. Once absorbed into the human body, it can accumulate there for longer periods of time. What’s more, likely to persist in the environment that makes external exposure more likely. Research has found that BPS interferes with cell growth and cell death, even at the small levels of exposure that humans encounter every day.

Why then is BPS used? Because just as food manufacturers can label products “fat-free” and fail to mention the dangers of other ingredients (like sugar, for example), plastic manufacturers can label products “BPA-free” while omitting the BPS-like toxic chemical replacement. Many manufacturers have just substituted one toxic bisphenol for another. BPS can be much worse than BPA.

With all the unresolved controversy, inconclusive research, and lies by omission from plastic manufacturers, it’s no wonder so many diseases arise in society. Mercola, (an advocate of alternative medicine), claims that plastics can be “an alphabet soup of toxic chemicals.” As stated in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), “U.S. law regulating chemicals in commerce makes it entirely permissible to release a new material into high-volume production without disclosing its precise chemical identity or any information about its toxicity. This makes it impossible for the public to assess product safety regardless of manufacturer And currently, despite EPA and FDA policies supporting “safe” alternatives to a chemical of concern like BPA, no federal agency conducts safety testing of new materials intended for consumer products before they hit the market. So what can you do to help reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals? The following detox tips can help you get started:


– Avoid as much plastic as possible.

– Choose products in glass jars instead of canned products.

– Choose fresh organic foods, instead of canned. Try juice recipes!

– Read ingredient labels on consumer products. Avoid any known toxins.

– Keep your hands away from your mouth. Try to wash your hands often.

– Choose glass, ceramic or stainless steel over plastic, especially those products that come into contact with food or beverages.

– Get rid of plastic kids toys, sippy cups, teethers, etc. Instead, choose soft fabric varieties for children. Buy wooden toys for children. Regardless, quality wooden toys last longer than plastic toys.

– Limit your contact with thermal paper products. For example, put cash register receipts in bags. Remove receipts from bags with gloves for disposal or filing. Do not accept gas station receipts. If you work daily with thermal paper, consider wearing light gloves.

Completely eliminating your exposure to BPA or BPS would probably be impossible in today’s society, but you do have a choice in how to reduce your toxic exposure. Don’t be fooled by marketing ads. Get information on potentially toxic chemicals. Stay up to date with consumer product reports. Be proactive with your health! Why risk it? As the saying goes… “prevention is better than cure”.

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