admin Posted on 10:23 pm

Transcend jealousy and transform it into positive energy

Jealousy is among the strongest passions. It is even stronger than anger. It can even be the most overwhelming emotion when synergistically combined with anger. You may have read the adage:

“Jealousy is the dragon in paradise; hell in heaven; and the bitterest of emotions because it is associated with the sweetest.” – AR storm

In fact, many movies, as well as real life dramas, love stories, and relationships revolve around this emotion. As devastating as it is, any type of energy can be transformed into something positive.

The main antidote to jealousy is to feel comfortable and secure with yourself. If you know that you are kind and you know that you deserve to love and be loved, then you will have no problem entertaining thoughts that create negative forecasts. There are several things that cause jealousy; minimize or fully control these factors and you will overcome jealousy.

A jealous mind is based on a negative prognosis, the fear of being abandoned and that another will take your place in the heart of your loved one. Sometimes this fear can be baseless intuition or based on empirical facts. Mistrust forms the biggest meat of jealousy. Furthermore, jealousy fills a cavity lacking in self-esteem. Here’s the catch: if you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.

Take these following facts of life and you will end up realizing that harboring jealousy is a waste of time. First, if you’re jealous, you’re actually praising the other person because you’re actually saying that he or she is so much better than you. If you think it really is, the discussion stops here. The point is that people are unique and have their own strengths and weaknesses. In the same way, relationships flourish mainly in an inexplicable algorithm of synchronization of differences, union of personalities and other complexities. Second, if the magnetic bond between you and your partner is gone, any desperate measures you take will go down the drain. This is a fact. In most cases, the more you hold on, the more you let go.

So why waste your energy? If you feel jealousy knocking on your door, gracefully let them in and let it become a green light for your home. Let it be your go-to signal to freshen up and give yourself time to reflect on what needs to be done and what needs to be changed. Let it serve as a reminder that every day is a challenge to renew the magnetic bond. Most relationships go bad because they got boring. In fact, there is always the “other side” of anything!

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