admin Posted on 6:40 pm

Top Five Tips on Using Pepper Spray

Non-lethal self-defense products on the market today: steel batons, stun guns, tasers, pepper spray, etc. they all have their strengths. They all work, are generally very cheap, and are legal. Some cities and states have restrictions on stun guns, pepper spray, and stun guns. So check with your local police department to make sure you’re within the law.

Once you determine if they are legal in your jurisdiction, you need to figure out how to use them. But first let’s discuss why they are so popular and what pepper spray can do to an assailant. Knowing the effects of a product like pepper spray can give you more confidence in using it.

Pepper spray has been used by the military and police primarily for crowd control for decades. It works very well. Cost-effectiveness, ease of use, and concealability make it ideal for women’s self-defense. I’ve seen pepper sprays that look like pagers, pens, rings, and lipstick.

Pepper spray causes the attacker to have difficulty breathing, temporary blindness due to excessive tearing, and the eyes to close, cough and choke. It is a very unpleasant thing.

The effects of pepper spray can last 30 to 45 minutes in humans. It is very effective against dogs, bears and mountain lions or any animal with a sensitive nose. Mail carriers across the country carry them, how’s that for an endorsement?

Most pepper sprays have an effective range of 6 to 12 feet. A new gel pepper spray works up to 18 feet and the Mace pepper gun has a range of 25 feet. Most models use a fine grain stream. Foam and nebulizer products are available for those unsure of their aiming skills.
Ok, now you have your spray. Here are some tips to get the most out of it if/when you ever need to use it.

1. Read the instructions. Get help if needed. Become an expert in its use. Learn how to use it. Sometimes your local police department offers classes on how to use self defense products.

2. Like everything else, proficiency comes with practice. Make it second nature. A split second of hesitation can be costly.

3. Pay attention to the expiration date and always test it to make sure it works.

4. Aim for the eyes or face. Do not bother. Even if it misses the eyes and hits the face, a lot of damage can be done. The mouth and nose are also very sensitive.

5. Don’t stare. After spraying your target, get out of there and find safety, ask for help, but get out.

Follow these 5 tips and maybe one day you can save your own life.
Remember that a self defense weapon is meant to give you time to escape from a dangerous situation. They don’t mean to insult or mutilate, they just don’t want/can’t do that.

If you are reading this, chances are the crime has touched your life in some way or you consider yourself at risk. Take the next step and do something to protect yourself! Your life and safety are worth much more than the cost of a stun gun or pepper spray.

If you are looking for a self defense product on the market, look for quality, efficacy and LEGALITY. Stun guns, Tasers, and pepper sprays are not legal in some states. Check with your local police department first before getting one.

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