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Single Decision Theory and the Enemies of Network Marketers

Every marketer faces a moment where they have to make a decision on whether or not they are going to do the business. I’m not talking about signing up and buying products or attending meetings or seminars, I’m talking about making a solid decision to build the business, succeed and go far.

One of the tenets that I have held tightly to is the single decision theory. In 2007, I decided to quit my full-time job to start a business. I had a good position as an IT Manager, but the desire not to work for other people was very strong. I knew that once I decided to leave, I would never look back. It was one of the most difficult decisions I have ever made in my life.

As a network marketer, you need to decide what your business goals are. You can get up every morning and decide to get involved in the business today, or, once and for all, you can make a decision that you will never have to think about it again. Go as far in the business as you can. You don’t have to worry about quitting because you’ve already decided not to.

But once you have that decision sealed, you need to know what to expect; you must know what to do; you must know how to do it and solve it. All network marketers have suffered and faced the same obstacles. These obstacles will always be drawn to you, as network marketing is about people, building networks of people.

If you know what the barriers to entry are, you are more likely to succeed. These are the enemies of network marketers.

These are the enemies of network marketers that you might think of, which will determine whether or not you will be successful in the network marketing business.

The first is REJECTION. People will say no. That No is not personal. You should always remind yourself on a daily basis that prospecting is a business, not a personal one. Here are a couple of suggestions you can take when facing rejection.

  • Imagine that you are a flight attendant. You will go from person to person asking if they want coffee. After hearing NO several times, would you jump out of the plane? Good. You would keep asking, row after row until the last one. It doesn’t just mean, “No, not now.” It is important to understand people and their moods. Do you think it’s possible when you call someone to show the opportunity and at that very moment your prospects are having a bad day? You have to be persistent, but not overbearing. The time will come when your great prospect is interested in the products and the business.
  • Another way of looking at rejection is “by the numbers.” You should have a ratio. Example: Sponsor 1 for every 10 people you talk to, so the ratio is (1:10) and the list goes on. No one in this business has a perfect ratio. So if you can get one registered out of 10, chances are you’ll be successful. So know your ratio and learn to improve it.
  • Know your goals and plan for it. If you really need to have a minimum of 200 people to be successful (use whatever tools you want, including online methods), then so be it.
  • Always remember the 3 SW’s (some will, some won’t, so what? Next please).

The second is APATHY (LOZNESS). Laziness comes in two forms: your own and other people’s (downlines). This is your business. You have to work hard, harder and harder to build the business. Find good people and patronize them. Find those who are willing to work hard for themselves. People with passion and desire to change their life. If you have distributors who don’t want to work and keep going, leave them alone. You have every right to choose who to work with.

The third enemy is WEAR. Somehow, people will give up. Because? Only they have the answer. But things happen! Don’t blame the business. When someone quits, thank them in your mind for the time and move on. Just don’t be one of them. Don’t think so much. Just focus on how to do better than what you are currently doing.

ENTERTAINMENT. The fourth enemy if you are a Network Marketer. All distractions are the same. The whole world would try to distract you. Think of anything that could cause you to deviate from your business focus. Sports, games, TV, Cinema, Concerts, etc. There will always be something that is stealing your time to create a better life. You have to be self-disciplined not to get distracted.

Let me share with you a strategy that I applied when I first started working in the industries. You will make excuses to succeed. Do you make excuses to your downlines, to your prospects, to your family? You don’t have to do it long term. But when you’re in business, you’re in business with the right people.

I love climbing mountains. However, when I decided to focus on the business in 2007, I skipped all the traveling. Remember it’s only a short term. You are going to enjoy everything when you are successful in business and you can have it whenever you want. Once again, apologize to the right people. This is one way to overcome distractions.

There are other enemies that can put you out of business. But personally I feel that rejections, apathy, burnout and distractions are the main enemies of all Network Marketers worldwide.

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