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Scarcity vs. Prosperity: How to Get More of What You Want in Your Life

Scarcity and prosperity are two terms that I had not heard of until I entered the world of coaching. At first, I felt they were mundane concepts of the common pursuit of wealth and possessions…connected to the overused term: Abundance. I soon learned about the truth found in these concepts and saw the great impact our perspectives have on our life, events, people, money and everything.

First, Scarcity vs. Prosperity is talking about your perspective of the world. Scarcity focuses on what you don’t have and can’t do. It is negative and focuses on how you are limited, held back, or unable to move forward as you would like. It is displayed like this:

* Entrepreneur: I can’t do postage because it costs too much.

* Mom: I can’t leave the house because there is no one to take care of the children.

* Dissatisfied professional: I can’t change jobs because I need a stable income.

* Executive: I can’t hire more people; sales are down

Prosperity is the flip side of scarcity. She’s looking at what you DO have. You are positive, optimistic, and solution-focused. Prosperity finds what IS good and what IS possible. Ask “What CAN I do?” It could sound like this:

*Business Owner: Mailings are expensive, but I have a short list of 100 camera names that I CAN do a series of target mailings and test their effectiveness.

* Mom: I can leave the house and take the kids to the park. My spouse is home on Friday nights and I can plan to run errands at that time.

*Unfulfilled Professional – I need a steady income and I CAN take a few classes to explore other interests while working at my current job.

* Executive: Sales are down, but I CAN hire short-term help to get me through this slump. I can also come and work on the floor for 5 hours a week to support the team.

Your point of view on scarcity or prosperity is very important because:

1) It affects the way you see the world. As explained above, each side promotes either positive or negative thinking. People have a more naturally negative connection (they are. There are some statistics about 75% of all adult conversation being naturally negative, just listen next time you’re out). Positive people live longer, are less stressed, and enjoy life more. So if you want less stress and a long and enjoyable life, start thinking through the eyes of prosperity.

2) It affects what you receive. Some are skeptical about this, but it is the law of nature. When you live in scarcity and cling to everything, fearful of loss, you get little and things seem to run out. You attract scarcity. Others who don’t have. People who don’t have money (ie customers who can’t pay). People who are also stuck or can’t do it. It’s weird how this works, but it really does happen. People get attached and cling to money, time, possessions, and for whatever reason, it’s not something you can hold on to. The more you fight for YOURS and hold on to it, the faster it dissipates. When you live and give from prosperity, on the other hand, it is incredible what comes into your life. I choose to see it as a blessing from God. It’s amazing. When you set aside your agenda and serve others, you are served. When you stop worrying about money and are responsible but generous, you have a lot. When you volunteer your time and energy, you feel uplifted and hurt. There are many old adages about this: “Those who give win”, the golden rule, etc. When you can stop and look at what is good, what is right, and allow yourself to live in the blessings you have been given, appreciate them, and give them back, the process continues to flow. When you’re gripped by fear, negativity, and pessimism, life gets tough, fast.

Once you’re in scarcity mode, it can be challenging to get out. However, you can go out. You just need to be intentional when listening to the tape playing in your head. Listen to yourself talk and listen to what you are saying. Are you saying I CAN’T, I DON’T WANT TO, NEVER, ALWAYS, NO, etc.? These are signs that you are looking at life from scarcity. Stop and ask yourself, “What CAN I do?” “What is true?” “What is posible?” So do what you can. If you always continue to do what you can, you will begin to embrace the thought and life of prosperity.

You do not believe me? Try it. It’s amazing.

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