admin Posted on 6:45 pm

Pros and cons of canvas tarps

Unlike popular inexpensive blue tarps designed for short-term use, or heavy-duty 18-ounce vinyl-coated polyester wood tarps, canvas tarps are made from 100% cotton fibers, making them a heavy duty product that is good for the environment. They come in many sizes, colors, and thicknesses, making them useful in many applications, but not all. There are clear advantages and disadvantages to canvas tarps. Understanding these factors can help you select the best tarp for your needs.

Canvas tarps are ideal for covering stationary outdoor construction machinery and equipment. The point of using any tarp is to provide protection from sun, wind, rain, and even prying eyes. If your property is securely covered, it is much less likely to be stolen or damaged. Many states require loads to be secured and covered while on public roads, but this is one case where they should not be used. Tarps cannot be towed and are very likely to tear, resulting in a damaged tarp and unprotected cargo. On the other hand, they last longer than polyethylene tarps and their breathability makes them an ideal choice for many applications.

Treated or not treated

Canvas tarps come treated or untreated. The treatments make the fabric resistant to water, rot and mildew. Canvas tarps can also be treated with flame retardant chemicals to make flame retardant canvas tarps. They are also treated with waxes and dyes that make them useful in some applications and unsuitable for others. They can be removed with products like Canvak. While these treatments provide benefits, they can also make the material inappropriate for some uses, such as indoor furniture covers.

Cleaning methods vary depending on whether or not the fabric has been treated. The cleaning of the treated tarpaulins can be done with soapy water or detergent. However, treated canvas should not be washed in a washing machine or dried in a dryer. Untreated products can be handled in the same way as any other cotton fabric.

Best uses

Canvas tarps are best used to cover stationary items where air can breathe through the fabric. Heavy construction machinery and equipment, construction projects, plastic lawn toys, and lawn furniture are great examples of times when this material can provide the best coverage and protection. Airflow prevents items from molding, rusting, or heat damage, while sun and wind protection prevents items from fading prematurely or disappearing altogether.

Camping is another great time to put these products to work for you and your family. They can be used to provide shade, shelter, and privacy. While not 100% waterproof, water resistance combined with a reasonable angle can provide protection from rain. Hanging between trees, they can provide shade even on the hottest days.

Not always the best option

There are situations for which the canvas is not your best choice. The treatments used make them unsuitable as vehicle covers or for interior use. The waxes and dyes used can rub off and stain the exteriors of boats or automobiles. Chemical treatments also have an odor that many may find offensive. While the odor is usually temporary, the staining factor is not.

As stated above, they are not the ideal choice for towing. This means they should not be used to cover truckloads. At the same time, untreated canvas canvases are a big favorite among painters and students. These natural fabrics are durable enough to be used in a variety of settings and make great painting canvases of virtually any size!

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