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PMS: Plagued by PMS? Try the calcium!

At last, there is hope for millions of women with PMS. Researchers have found that a regular intake of calcium can reduce PMS by up to 60 percent.

It’s a problem that has baffled doctors and worried women. Symptoms that occur a week or two before a woman’s menstrual periods. While these symptoms usually go away after her period starts, PMS or PMS often interferes with a woman’s normal activities at home or work.

Despite ongoing studies, the cause of PMS is still unclear. Of course, some women may be more sensitive than others to changes in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle. While some believe that stress doesn’t seem to cause PMS, it might make it worse. Studies have revealed that PMS can affect menstruating women of any age and that PMS can affect menstruating women of any age and that PMS often includes both physical and emotional symptoms.

Now, the latest on the PMS front is that a calcium-rich diet appears to reduce the risk of developing PMS by as much as 40 percent.

Most women experience mild PMS, but for around 20 percent, the symptoms can be severe. These symptoms define PMS and can interfere with daily activities and relationships, according to a report in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Calcium supplements and vitamin D, which aid in calcium absorption, are thought to reduce the onset and severity of PMS. To find out the effect of dietary calcium on PMS, data were collected from women with and without PMS. The comparison showed that calcium intake had a profound effect on whether women developed PMS. “We found that women with the highest intake of vitamin D and calcium from dietary sources had a significantly lower risk of being diagnosed with premenstrual syndrome,” said Elizabeth Bertone-Johnson of the University of Massachusetts.

The greatest result was seen in women who consumed about 1,200 mg of calcium and 500 IU of vitamin D per day. “We found that women who consumed four servings per day of skin or low-fat milk, fortified orange juice, and low-fat dairy products had approximately a 40 percent lower risk of being diagnosed with PMS than women who only they ate these foods … about once a week,” he said.

Calcium and vitamin D levels fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle, and this could define women with and without PMS, she added. The findings should encourage them to eat more foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, she said. In addition, these nutrients have also been associated with other health benefits, such as the reduction of osteoporosis and some types of cancer.

Must read: Navigating through menopause with ease: menopause symptoms, exercise, tips and diet at

Tips and benefits of calcium:

. When shopping for calcium supplements, look for elemental calcium content.

. Studies have shown that it is the intake of dairy products with the natural combination of calcium, magnesium and potassium that helps prevent and control hypertension.

. Calcium can help you maintain proper pH levels and reverse acidic conditions.

. Calcium is a fat burner. Studies have shown that people with the highest calcium intake generally weighed less

Must read: Case Study: How Calcium Also Helps in Weight Loss at

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