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Personal Leadership Development Plan – Your Starting Point Towards Success

If you really want to become a successful leader, you must use a personal leadership development plan. All of our great leaders, young or old, have one thing in common. They are all great goal-setters and have a plan in place that provides a path for them to live their biggest dreams and desires. They know exactly what they want before they set their goals; simply wishing for success is not enough.

You must be absolutely determined if you really want to get up and move towards your goals and dreams. The main difference between leaders and followers lies in the fact that leaders will do the things that followers don’t like to do. Leaders have a strong enough purpose that they can form the habits of doing the things they don’t want to do, to get the results they want.

Here are some crucial steps for your personal leadership development plan:

• Be prepared to do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams. Saying you want a big house, a luxury yacht or a sports car is a very good idea, but the point is… are you willing to pay the price to get them? Remember, this is the main difference between world leaders and followers.

• Take 100% responsibility for your life. Blaming a situation or another person is saying that they are in control of your life and not you. Don’t let someone else’s opinion of you become your reality.

• Act immediately. Stop procrastinating and make the decision to start on your quest to succeed. We don’t know how much time we have to achieve our dreams, but we do know that we don’t have forever. Successful leaders understand this, and instead of viewing it as a negative platform, they use it as an opportunity to get motivated and inspired enough to take the plunge into leadership.

• Leaders live their lives with purpose. If you have a passion for what you do, it will be much easier to achieve your goals and dreams, and you will have fun doing it.

• Focus is a key aspect of your personal leadership development plan. Every day we are bombarded with phone calls, tasks, messages, and everyone else that tries to take up our time. But in reality, no one can steal your time. You are responsible for your time. It is YOU who allows them to steal it. If you want to be a leader, you must learn to manage this inevitable force and work with it, rather than against it. If you make the decision to stay focused, you are investing your time in something that will pay off in the long run.

• Write a definitive plan to achieve your goals. A goal that is not written down is simply a wish or a fantasy.

• Here’s the hot tip. Go after what you want with as much energy and enthusiasm as you can, for as long as you can. You are not getting any younger.

Where does it all fit?

Developing an action plan allows you to stand out from the crowd. Make the decision today to become an expert in your field. You can be ahead of the game, just by doing a little research on what the leaders in your field are doing. With that little bit more passion, you’ll soon become the leader in your chosen field. You will be the benchmark and by just following a few steps in your personal leadership development plan, you will find yourself living in a world where you are everything you have ever wanted to be.

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