admin Posted on 11:43 pm

Optimize your Facebook page for SEO

When you’re running your SEO campaign, you’ll need all the help you can get. Social networking sites are powerful tools to improve your rankings on the web. Facebook is probably the most powerful social networking site to date. Here are some tips on how you can optimize your Facebook page for SEO.

1. Facebook search results include profiles of other people and other relevant Facebook pages, apps and groups. Therefore, having a Facebook group, even though some people consider it boring, is definitely important as its popularity will increase as Facebook improves its internal search. You can improve the popularity of your site through this.

2. Use wall studs. Also, think about SEO when making status updates, links, and notes. You never know who will find your posts.

3. Your wall posts that contain links to external content (ie blog posts or news) should be optimized for relevant keywords (especially the content title tag). As much as possible, you should post this content where the call to action and contact information are actually in the title tag. This process allows you to get your submission into the search results instead of just attracting a second click through to a profile page.

4. If you intend to have your promotional data indexed to a wider audience on Facebook, in addition to your friends, be sure to choose “everyone” in your privacy settings. This allows other people to see important data about you or your business, whether they are online or friends or not.

5. Make use of your own friends and other local connections too.

6. Learn and ask for advice on how to use other tools that Facebook provides. Facebook has a paid search platform that provides users with what is trending today.

7. Continuously contribute to maintaining your visibility among your users. On Facebook, a large portion of physical search results are made up of social graph dots. This graph is generated in the last 30 days. So make sure you don’t forget to continually contribute to getting your users acquainted with you and your business.

8. Keep in mind that attributes, on and off Facebook, can also influence how search results evolve on Facebook. So always stay updated.

Facebook is a powerful tool to increase your visibility on the Internet. Be sure to educate yourself on how Facebook works and use it to your advantage. It can help you catapult your business to the top and achieve a status that will stay in the minds of your users/market.

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