admin Posted on 5:24 pm

My wife has no time for me! How to take control and change this

We are all well aware that each day only gives us a scant twenty-four hours. When you factor in the time you spend working, traveling to and from the office, sleeping, showering, and eating, there isn’t much time left for anything else. However, when you are married, you really need to set aside some time to spend with your spouse. It is expected and beyond that, it is crucial for a well-balanced, happy and fulfilling partnership. That’s why it’s so alarming if you’re a man who has a wife with a schedule that doesn’t leave you any time. If her wife is so busy that she can’t spend even one moment with you each day, she should help her find an opportunity here and there to connect with you. If you want your marriage to last, this should be at the top of your priority list.

Obviously, you’re going to take it personally if your wife doesn’t have time for you. Early in her marriage, she made sure she had time to spend just with you, didn’t she? You two did things together that you probably miss now. Maybe back then you took something like having coffee together for granted. Now you would give anything to have an hour alone with her. As much as you want to blame her busy schedule for her lack of interaction with you, there’s probably an underlying reason why she has one excuse after another for not spending time with you. In most cases where this happens, it is because the wife has begun to feel emotionally separated from her husband. Instead of trying to make awkward small talk with him, she preferred to avoid him.

His wife is not willing to do anything on her own to change this. If she seems happy enough to fill her days with things that drive her away from you, it’s you who needs to change the routine of your marriage. He begins by telling her wife that she misses her and wishes the two of them had more time together. While this may not disrupt her schedule so she has time for you, let her know that you’re not happy with the way things are and that your goal is to share more of your life with her. Your statement about wanting to be with her more will not go unnoticed by her, even if she seems to ignore or brush you off.

Many women are devoting much of their time to things that have to do with running the house and being a mother. You’re part of that equation, so why not help your wife have more time for you? You can ask her if there is anything she would like you to do, but be prepared for her to say no. Many women have a small streak of control running through them and they like to tackle everything they can just because they believe that no one else has the ability to do it as well as they do. If this sounds like a dictionary description of your wife’s personality, take on some tasks of her own. Skip the kids to school or cook dinner a few times a week. Show your wife that you want to be her de facto partner, as well as her life partner. The time you spend doing things around the house or taking care of the children will translate into more free time for your wife and therefore more time for her to be with you.

A great way to solve the problem of a wife having no time is to create a scenario where she has no choice but to spend time with you. This almost sounds like she’s on the verge of forcing her to make time for you, but don’t look at it that way. Plan a night out for the two of you and take care of all the details, right down to arranging for babysitting if needed. Then surprise her wife with her night out. She will see the effort you put in as a sign of your desire to be closer to her. It’s a great way to not only spend uninterrupted time with her wife, but it will also give you a chance to talk to her about how you’re feeling and that will only help when it comes to bridging any emotional distance she may feel.

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