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My Beginner’s Guide to Electronic Product Development

The Internet is an elephant, so to speak. So how do you eat an elephant? One would say one piece at a time. Every internet guru has their own views on how to be successful on the internet or online, but like anything else in life, there is no one perfect way or one size fits all. Some say that content is king. Some say start with a list. Some say start with 100% automation. The content, the list, and the automation matter, but what about the person just starting out who can’t tell their left from their right? I think a beginner should start with a product to prove the credibility of it and from there move on to building a list while gradually working to automate their website so it works on autopilot.

A warning about starting with a product
Having said that it’s best to start with a product, I think it’s appropriate to add this qualification by saying that at higher levels, you can actually sell a product that you haven’t developed yet to your list or followers, but as a beginner, you might I can’t use that strategy. At its most basic, it involves telling your followers that you have a product that’s coming out in, say, 90 days or 180 days and any of them who buy in advance will get it at 30 or 20 percent off. Some may decide to buy and then use the cash to develop the product. This strategy is for well-known “brands” like Peter Diamandis, Brendon Burchard, Tim Ferriss, and Tony Robbins, to name just four.

How to develop your first product
This presentation focuses on how you can develop your first product. The truth is, in Internet business, you don’t have to wait until you have a perfect product. Just start and keep improving along the way. If you compare cars or any product made in the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, you’ll notice that they keep getting better in terms of design, elegance, and performance, to name just three. That must be your love. Start and keep improving day after day.

In this presentation, the focus is entirely on electronic products (eProducts), not on the sale of physical products online, which is known as electronic commerce. I assume that you are already an expert operating in six dimensions as an author, trainer, speaker, coach, consultant, seminar leader and now you are looking for the seventh dimension, marketing information. If you don’t consider yourself an expert, don’t worry too much, we’ll come back to that and the scales will fall from your eyes. Even if he is not yet operating in any of the dimensions, let’s say he is just an employee, don’t worry, this presentation will open your eyes to the possibilities that lie ahead. The author of the book Instant Income, Janet Switzer, has listed over 52 electronic products that one can develop in her Maverick Program, but we will limit ourselves to the simplest products as this is a beginner program.

Understanding or knowing what products to develop, the demand for those products, and how to position your products are beyond the scope of this presentation. Also marketing, selling and launching your product is outside the scope of this presentation. With those preliminaries covered, let’s dive deeper into your product development journey.

Products suitable for electronic copies
The main products that you can easily convert to electronic format are:
• Books
• Music
• Courses (seminars): These are generally known as “Practical Products”.
• Speeches
• Results of the investigation

Top 7 Most Lucrative “How To Make Products” Areas In Industry Expert

According to Brendon Burchard, in his book The Expert Messenger, the seven areas of how to produce the most lucrative products are:

1. Motivational Tips
2. Leadership Tips
3. Financial Advice
4. Business advice
5. Marketing advice
6. Relationship Advice
7. Spiritual advice

Electronic Product Formats
The main formats are:
• Electronic publication
• Mobile
• Sound (MP3)
• Videos (MP4)

Sites to charge your electronics
Having made or created your product, the next thing you need to do is launch it. You can launch your products through a combination of channels, including:
• Their website
• Third party websites
• Youtube
• Vimeo
• Stitcher
• itunes
• Sound Cloud
• Baby CDs
• To your List through an e-marketing platform, for example, Mailchimp.

The various product formats in detail
Let’s now look at the product formats one by one in a little more detail.

PDF (Portable Document Format)
One of the easiest ways to join the online business as an expert is to start with a training course, workshop, seminar, or book. Your particular book can and will open doors, especially if you can write a New York Times bestseller. For a beginner, that may be overkill, so let’s start with a good book or a well thought out course. Having made your book or course (this also applies to seminars and workshops), you save it in Word or PowerPoint and convert it to PDF. PDF (Portable Document Format) is a special format developed by Adobe and can be purchased online or, better yet, purchased on CD and installed on your laptop. Once converted to PDF, no one can modify or play with your product and you can upload it to your website and start selling. Sound so simple? Yes! Technology simplifies things. Anyone with a laptop or smartphone can buy your product and start enjoying it right away. Most of the new generation laptops and smartphones have a pre-installed PDF reader or you can simply download an app that allows you to read the PDF document.

electronic pub
E-Pub (ePub) is short for Electronic Publishing and is an e-book file format that can be read by most devices including iPad, Android smartphones, tablets, computers or e-readers. Converting your book to e-Pub requires special software, which your average mall can help you achieve. If you can’t find a business center near you to convert your book to epub, you can do it online through a company called Allzone.

Mobi is especially unique to Amazon Kindle, as it is the only format Kindle uses. As of 2011, some analysts projected that within five years there would be more than 53 million Kindles worldwide, so if you want one of the Kindle users to buy your book, you have no choice but to have it in Mobi format. . But there is good news. Amazon doesn’t even require you to convert your book to Mobi before you upload it to Amazon. You can upload it to Amazon in Word format and Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) will automatically convert it to Mobi for you.

MP4 and MP3
Just a few years ago we were using what was then known as a CD (compact disc) before the mp3 format was introduced, which is an audio encoding format for digital audio. The mp3 (or MP3) format can store huge amounts of sound so you don’t need hundreds of CDs like you used to. Your finished work can be converted to mp3 very easily for listening using digital devices including smartphones, iPads and laptops. Don’t worry about how to do this, as an average sound or video editor would handle the technicalities and help you upload your product to Stitcher, SoundCloud, or CD Baby. Editing is not very expensive, costing as little as $5 for an hour-long episode, according to the publisher, and the fee keeps going down as more and more people master the art of video editing.

Videos are what make the internet work. Video is more engaging than any other medium, so learning how to make videos is a must. And the good news is that it is not as complex as you imagine. You don’t even need any technical skills. Direct-to-camera video is video made with a regular camera or camcorder. Camera is highly recommended compared to camcorder, not only because cameras are generally smaller and cheaper, but because they generate less heat compared to camcorders. Initially, you may need to rent the camera, but over time you may decide to purchase your own. The most popular type of camera is Canon, but you can also take videos with your smartphone; however, there is a slight drawback in that you may not be able to edit or get audio or MP3 from a smartphone, so there are advantages to having a camera.

The other type of video is the one you make with software. For Windows computers, use software called Camtasia and for Apple computers, use what’s called screenflow. To get started, you need to pre-install camtasia (or screenflow if you’re using Mac) on your computer. Let’s focus on Windows computers since that’s the one I use. Having installed camtasia on your computer, the other processes are quite easy. First prepare your PowerPoint presentation. When your slides are ready, you put on your headset and plug in your voice converter or adapter and turn on camtasia. Once camtasia is activated, it starts speaking and when you are done with one slide, it moves on to the next one until your presentation is finished. Once your presentation is done, you save what you’ve done to edit and viola your video is ready and you can upload it to your website, YouTube or Vimeo. Editing is not very expensive and is not something to worry about as an average business center can handle it for you.

There is still a third way to produce videos. This is different from the camtasia video we just described above. In this case, there are actually companies that specialize in helping you make videos by providing ready-made templates. One of them, which I use, is a company called Animoto. What you do is sign up for Animoto and they give you the architecture to make a video complete with music in the background. Simply register with the company and once you’re logged in, follow the easy instructions to prepare a video.

Animoto has free and paid versions of the service. The paid version starts at around $96 per year. You don’t need any skills to make a video. The website provides all the necessary headers such as video description, which you fill in and upload images and provide a description of your video and viola, your video is ready. In the free and low-end paid versions, the company logo, Animoto, will appear in your video, but in the premium versions, nothing appears so no one knows you used Animoto. For the high-end versions, you can even personalize them by putting your name or company name and logo on the video. For the free version, you will be provided with a maximum of 6 placeholders for just 1 minute of video and no more. If you want longer videos, you should opt for the paid versions.

A journey of a thousand miles as the saying goes begins with one step. Internet or online expert business sounds and seems difficult when you have no one to guide you and show you the way. The fastest way to reduce your learning curve is to get a trainer and you’ll be up and running in no time. In our Expert Empire program, we guide you through how to develop electronic products.

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