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Marketing Your Network Marketing Business Using Social Networking Sites

Business owners of all types and in all industries, including network marketing, understand the importance of effective marketing to build a customer base, attract partners, and generate “buzz.” Furthermore, this truth is absolutely vital for network marketers. Effective marketing is needed to generate leads, position yourself as an industry leader, and promote the products and services your business offers.

Due to the reach of the Internet, as well as the ability to share ideas relatively cheaply (free in most cases), social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter have become a very viable platform for marketers. of networks interact with each other. A successful network marketer would be wise not to overlook the power of social networking websites and incorporate the use of these sites into their overall marketing plan.

Here are some ideas that can help you as you start to build a marketing presence on social networking sites.

  • Connect, Connect, Connect! – Friends and Fans (Facebook) and Followers (Twitter) are vital. However, it is just as vital to look for like-minded people who are open to receiving your marketing. Here’s a hint: Most network marketing “gurus” have Facebook and Twitter pages with a huge following. You can be relatively sure that the followers of these pages are interested in network marketing and networking to some degree. These are the same people YOU should be networking with. Send requests to connect with people like these, and aim to send 20-30 requests per day (more likely to register on the site as spam). Your network will explode.
  • Maintain a professional presence – The images, comments, and ideas you submit will shape your network’s impression of you. Have fun and relax, but also make sure you pay careful attention to the type of information you present and how you present it. Stay away from comments on “hot” topics like politics, race, and religion. Use your site as a tool to build your business.
  • give before receiving Be sure to post useful websites, books, free reports, and other useful items to your network. Establish yourself as a serious businessman and also as someone who is willing to share. This will make you a “leader” in the eyes of your network and make it much easier to market to them in the long run.

Remember, your goal when using social networking sites should be to build your business. There are few outlets that have the ability to reach so many for such a small financial investment. Take advantage and good luck!

By: Jason Dennis Stewart

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