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Keyword Research: Tips for Choosing the Right Keywords

Choosing the right keywords is the most important and valuable search engine optimization strategy to start an SEO campaign. Keywords are those phrases that are essential to potential visitors as they use and type these keywords into search engines to find your website. It’s easy to think of keywords relevant to a business, but you’ll have a hard time choosing the right ones that can drive significant organic traffic to your website. Keep the following tips in mind before you start thinking about potential keywords:

Using Key Phrases – Choosing a simple one word keyword like “SEO” is time consuming and doesn’t attract much more website visitors. Therefore, it is recommended to use 3 or more words because it is much easier to get high rankings for using specific keyword phrases because the competition is not as tough as the competition for one word keywords. So instead of using SEO as keywords, it is better to use “Search Engine Optimization Service”. Around 80% of searches according to statistics agree to use 3 or more words while selecting the right keywords for the website.

Use Relevant Keywords – Your keywords need to be relevant to your business and the content on your website to get organic traffic from search engines. Search engine optimization experts can help you with the relevant keywords to use for your website.

Find out what to look for – Anticipate what your potential customers will be looking for to find your business along with any other business found online. Use local keywords: Rank well for local phrases early on, but don’t be too specific. For example, your site is an SEO service provider in Australia, so it’s best to include Australia in your chosen keywords like “SEO Australia” and Search Engine Optimization Australia.

Create a relevant word list if you find it difficult to find key phrases. You can use the name of your company and the products and services you offer. You can simply combine the keywords and also add placements like ‘Australian SEO Company’.

Once you have a nice long list of potential keywords, now is the time to figure out if they are really worth targeting. Using the Google AdWords Keyword Tool can be a helpful tool. A space is provided there where you just enter your keywords and click ‘Get keyword ideas’. In the drop down box select exact to give you a better idea of ​​the numbers. Not only will it give you stats for the previous month’s searches, but it will also give you more keyword recommendations.

Once you’ve finalized all the new keywords and the monthly search numbers taken from the ‘global monthly search volume’ column, now it’s time to find out how much competition your chosen keywords have by looking at the green bar. Indicate low, medium or high competition once you point your mouse over the green bar for your chosen keyword.

The search phrases you entered will tell you how many other websites are using keywords similar to yours. It is the time when you can choose keywords that will help you gain traffic and that are achievable. Please note that this process takes a bit of time but is nevertheless highly recommended by most search engine optimization experts.

If you are still confused with these basic guides, you can ask for some professional SEO advice that comes from a very reliable SEO company. This company also offers SEO packages that can go a long way in achieving your goal, especially when choosing the right keywords to create a large volume of organic traffic to your online business.

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