admin Posted on 5:01 pm

Keyword Article Writing – Your Ticket To Unlimited Targeted Traffic

So you want to write articles that are optimized for certain keywords in your business. Keyword article writing has been and always will be the best form of traffic available online today. People everywhere are seizing the next opportunity to get targeted traffic to their business and it will only get better. Here’s what you can do TODAY to improve your search engine rankings:

Identify the correct sentences

The most important thing you can do when optimizing your content is to keep your audience in mind. Do some keyword research and keep a list of all the phases and thoughts that come to mind that people might type into search engines to find you. Then research which terms have the least competition while still having some monthly search volume time.

Keep in mind that some phrases have high competition and it would be wise to avoid these terms until you have some weight in your chosen niche. There will always be time to venture out and dominate a few pages higher up on Google, but first, focus on getting listed for smaller competitive terms.


We all know that having a catchy title is the fastest way to get people to click on your articles, and we all know the benefits of writing articles. So what can you do to optimize your title for the best SEO?

Strategically place specific keywords in your title. For best results, include a keyword at the beginning of your title and at the end. This is where search engine spiders like to look for relevant content when people do a search. Make sure you’re not too greedy though, because Google will slap your content if it’s stuffed with keywords.

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Now, I have tried and measured many different positions for keyword placement and found that if you want to be on Google’s good side, including 2-3 keywords in each paragraph is the best way to go. Also, make sure your article sounds natural and easy to read. Having an optimized article won’t do anything for you if people don’t understand what you’re trying to teach them.

Organic Box

Another great place for you to get the most out of your keywords is to include them in your author resource box. Having at least 2 words that are relevant to the content of your articles is perfect for SEO.

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