admin Posted on 6:23 pm

Internet marketing works wonders for your small business

When most people think of Internet marketing, the first thing that comes to mind is one of the thousands of Internet companies that promise to make you a millionaire in the next thirty days or one of the many multi-level marketing companies that seem to pop up. . each month. But the network marketing niche to make money at home is a very small percentage of the marketing that is done online.

It seems that in today’s digital age everyone has a website. From the mom and pop business to large corporations, if you don’t have a website that attracts people to your business, you are leaving money on the table; whether you are selling products online or just advertising your store.

Print advertising seems to be taking a backseat to Internet marketing. For example, my mother, who is 68 years old, no longer consults the yellow pages. When she searches for a product or service, the first thing she does is type what she wants into the Google search bar. So, for people like her, if she’s not online, she’s probably not going to get the business from her.


But it is not enough to have a website. Cyberspace is a huge void filled with millions of web sites and pages. So putting up a website and hoping people find it is like putting your business on a sailboat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. You know it’s there, but no one else knows. And no matter how good your product or service is, if no one can find it, no one can buy it.

The key to being found on the internet is internet marketing. Simply put, internet marketing is marketing your product or service over the internet. Large companies with seemingly unlimited advertising budgets can pay marketing firms to come up with effective Internet marketing campaigns. But if you have a small or no advertising budget, it’s not difficult to build your own campaign.

Keep in mind that online or offline, money makes the world go round. You can drive traffic to your website very quickly if you are willing and able to pay for it. But if you prefer the free methods, it will take a little more time. In the long run though, I believe in the old adage that “time is money”.

If you have an advertising budget, you can pay companies to send targeted traffic to your website. By targeted traffic I mean people who have expressed an interest in a product or service like yours. You can also advertise on Google, Yahoo, MSN and any number of smaller search engines using pay per click advertising. Keep in mind that this is a strategy you may want to get some training in before you jump in, because you can lose a lot of money if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are also services that will optimize for search engines for a nominal fee.

For those of us with a minimal advertising budget, there are free and low-cost methods to market your business online. You can use free classifieds like US Free Ads, Craig list or even Back page. If you have a talent for writing, you can write and submit articles and press releases related to your product or service. There are plenty of social platforms that you can use to drive traffic to your website, such as Squidoo and Hub pages. If you can’t write, Google a ghostwriter and ask someone to write your content for you.

There are many ways to advertise your business on the Internet. You just have to learn how to dip your ladle into the Internet soup and get your share of the billions of people searching for things on the Internet. Learning internet marketing can put you on the fast track to success.

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