admin Posted on 10:58 pm

Internet Marketing: Pieces of the Puzzle

Internet marketing is basically the use of the Internet and the world wide web as an ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION VEHICLE through which goods and services are offered. The number of people buying and selling products online is increasing exponentially, as is the number of products and services on offer.

How does it work?

Most people are familiar with buying things online. Others use the Internet as a place to start their search for reviews of certain products, hours of entertainment, local businesses and services. They then complete the purchase in person, usually locally.

There are many different types of online marketing besides the ones mentioned above. Although when you are a buyer, you see the public pages of the website; Where you sign up for a newsletter, choose a product from a website, or enter your credit card information to make a purchase, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes.

Have you ever wondered how all that works? In other words, how does PayPal’s checkout page connect to the business you’re buying from? How does your email address trigger a welcome email when you sign up for a newsletter? How are websites built? How do you add images and text… or how do you create hyperlinks? And what the hell is html and should you care? More parts.

The mechanics are actually quite interesting, and by knowing the answers to those kinds of questions, you’ll be able to build the same kind of automated marketing machines that successful businesses have.

The Internet really is the great equalizer for business. You can run a successful trade from anywhere as long as you have your computer and a connection. Your spare bedroom or kitchen table business may be in direct competition with larger businesses located in more traditional locations. It doesn’t matter where you are, as long as you have your online business presence set up so that people can easily find you when they search for what you have. and then make your website or blog easy to navigate and understand.

Finding buyers for your product or service known as “driving traffic” to your online business is how your business grows. But it is much more than that. Think about what you’re looking for when you’re making a buying decision.

  • Can you trust this site and the person behind it?
  • Will this product service work?
  • Is there some kind of money back guarantee?
  • Is there any testimonial?
  • What do other people who have used this service say?
  • Are there other similar products or services offered by this website/person?
  • Is there a related newsletter with more up-to-date information on this topic?
  • Will they take care of me long term?
  • What value am I really receiving?
  • Is this another scam?

It’s the famous WIIFM (What’s in it for me?) question that we all have before taking out that credit card.

Here are a few different types of marketing you can choose from. Many people use several of them over time. Is strongly It is recommended that you pick one, possibly two that you can fit into and learn them well before incorporating more. First of all, one has to choose something to market; a product, service, combination, or whatever. You have to market something to have any kind of business, and the ways to bring products to market are many. Here are a few:

  • marketing article
  • classified advertising
  • keyword choice
  • digital advertising
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • blog
  • affiliate marketing
  • Product development
  • Membership sites
  • Joint Ventures (JVs)
  • review sites
  • niche marketing
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • pay per share
  • social media optimization
  • web banners
  • Backlink Creation
  • Incorporation of shipments, both email and the US Postal Service.
  • auction sites
  • public domain information

The most important thing to keep in mind when looking to learn HOW to market online is that it is a marathon, not a sprint. Second, how and what you think is really important. Focused and positive expectations really make a difference to your results. Find ways to offer VALUE to the people who want what you offer. Offer free eBooks, audios, or other benefits related to what people are looking for. This is a way of sincerely thanking people for trusting you with their email address. Basically, set up your business to treat those who will associate with you the same way you would want to be treated.

The “how” isn’t really as hard as some people make it out to be, but it does take work – there are so many different pieces to fit together, like a puzzle. When all are set up step by step and all work, people can follow your instructions to receive free gifts or products by clicking the links you have set up on web pages as well as in your email. Also, you can track how many visitors you have and where they come from. Each skill can take a bit of time to master, but you really only have to master it once.

What type of marketing would be best to sell your stuff? Learn a little about some of them. Research both the terms and the “gurus” that come up when you do a search. You will soon see that there are quite a few “gurus” or “mentors” who claim that they are the only help you need. Be careful. Many claim that you should be able to start making money very quickly. Maybe as fast as a couple of hours or a few days.

Unless you already have an idea of ​​what is REALLY involved in setting up this business, you could become more frustrated and start to believe that something is wrong with YOU if you can’t generate results quickly. Remember, this is a real business and there is a learning curve that will take as long as it takes to master. Many people get very discouraged because they have been prepared to expect this to be a get-rich-quick vehicle. What is more likely is that the harder (and smarter) one works, the luckier one will have.

The cost of creating an Internet business can vary, but is generally extremely modest. Some of these expenses will be explored in a later article, as well as other pieces and how they all fit together.

This business is ideal for those who like to work from home. It’s great for those who don’t want to get involved with multi-level marketing or network marketing. You can’t build a downline or be tied to a company where that may or may not exist in a few years. Your options for products to market are limited by your imagination.

I will write about details of some of the pieces in my next article. I would like to know what your experience has been with this online marketing, if you have tried it. I will try to answer your questions as quickly as possible.

(Please note that, as with all independent businesses, results are not guaranteed and will vary.)

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