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indigo adults

We know that the “children of the blue ray” have an inherent attraction to each other. This is a physical phenomenon that has to do with your very large and expansive bio-electromagnetic-photic field that surrounds these individuals. A Blue Ray (Indigo) individual has a field that is easily measured with dowsing rods starting between 6 and 54 feet from the physical body. When they are close to others of their own kind, they feel a borderline energetic resonance with the other being as their fields interact. They look into each other’s eyes and somehow recognize the essence of themselves by looking back. The sense of family, safety and trust is deep and palpable. There is no need for a “getting acquainted” period. They have known each other for millennia, and the usual niceties of social ritual are unnecessary. At first, your perception of bio-electromagnetic-photic fields mixing with those of others is that of a sexual attraction. That feeling is the template into which these sensations are usually placed because these sensations have likely only been experienced before in that context. But this is different. If the person experiencing this is heterosexual and the other person is of the same sex, this can cause confusion. If the other person happens to be an Indigo child, one may feel that he is experiencing pedophile tendencies.

These chance encounters, if they are truly remembered for what they are by Indigo adults, are rare. Most write them off as moments of sexual “chemistry,” especially if they sit with the opposite sex. Also, the eyes they are looking into are unusually deep, wise, usually almond-shaped, and have incredibly unique and vivid iris colors. While your eyes are fixed on a cosmic gaze, you may also notice sensations registered in your chakra centers that involve your entire body. This can be quite shocking and disturbing at first. It might actually be the first energetic awakening they’ve ever experienced, as many of these adults may have previously thought they had a low sex drive or experienced a lack of sexual performance. Indigos are energetically hybrid and different from those of the non-Indigo persuasion. Their energy systems are not stimulated in the same way if they are not with their own kind. Most have only been with other non-Indigos and somehow feel like they just aren’t capable of fully responding in what is considered a “normal” way. Beginning in infancy, many cannot tolerate the touch of a non-Indigo being. The bio-resonance synchronization of the bio-electromagnetic-photic fields is essential for these beings to feel physically comfortable being touched by another human being. However, they have no problem loving animals and blending in with their fields. The touch must be perceived as pure and unconditional.

In the mid-40s, most “Blue Ray” beings (Indigos), still unconscious, can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times they could have had this type of chance encounter with another Indigo being. Having similar strange and misunderstood feelings at this age is common for them and they have learned to dismiss these experiences. As the adult Indigo gets closer to understanding who and what they are, if they are in a relationship with a non-Indigo, that relationship will usually experience severe strain as the Indigo partner becomes attracted to different people. and information that will further help you in your relationship. awakening process. The intensity of this non-sexual intimacy that is shared between two Indigos far exceeds anything that physical intercourse can provide. This is difficult to explain and defend for a non-Indigo who may perceive but misunderstand this unusual attraction that their partner might be experiencing with someone else.

If two Indigos are lucky enough to have found each other, their bond will be like no other they have experienced in this dimension thus far. It is as if one completed the circuit of the others. Their energy systems merge; they experience telepathic communication constantly and consistently. Once they learn to trust each other and put down the armor, shields, and spears they have relied on to survive in this reality, they can reach a level of trust where simple agreements become vows. This is what they have been waiting for all along. To finally find someone else who treats them with the same level of honesty and integrity that they have insisted on and demonstrated to others at all times. A feeling of coming home for the first time resonates deeply with these friends/couples. Indigo adults are becoming more common, those who have awakened to their unique identity are still rare. The world is changing before our eyes and the increasing vibration that is driving this process forward is fueling the process of awakening. Study the Indigo traits and characteristics that are most commonly assigned to children. Turn the mirror on yourself and other adults you are already suspicious of. Once you become more inherently familiar with those of this persuasion, you’ll be able to identify them immediately, even if they themselves have no idea what you’re talking about. Expose them to indigo traits and characteristics list, quizzes, learn how to measure their bio-electromagnetic-photic field with dowsing rods, and take them to places like ley lines and vortexes where their cable-ready energy systems can come to life and verify their suspicions as you which undeniably validated them. We need all hands on deck for what puts a head. It is time to wake up the masses who still lie asleep in their sleep.

Janine Talty, DO, MPH

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