admin Posted on 9:39 pm

Importance of sealing granite countertops

Your new granite kitchen countertop is a significant monetary investment that enhances the beauty and resale value of your home. It must be properly maintained to avoid developing unattractive discoloration over time. The most important task you can undertake to protect your investment is to regularly seal your granite countertops, making them nearly impervious to stains that settle on their surface. Many products are sold in the market to seal granite, but it is essential to have the knowledge to finish the task correctly. Use the following tips to ensure your fine granite countertop looks its best for years to come.

The initial step in sealing a granite countertop is to determine whether or not it requires a new coat of sealer. As a general rule, it’s a good idea to reseal your countertop once a year, however, various types of granite have different traits, different degrees of porosity. Even individual pieces of the same variety will have their own unique character. Some types of granite will last a lifetime without needing to be sealed, but other types may require resealing a few times a year. The granite supplier you choose will be happy to provide you with all the details you need to take care of the particular thing you have. To determine whether or not resealing is necessary, give the counter a good wipe down and give it time to dry. Next, pour a small amount of clean tap water onto the granite and allow it to sit for a few minutes. If you wipe the water off with a clean, dry cloth and a discolored area remains, the granite needs to be resealed. Don’t worry about the water stain, it will disappear as the water evaporates.

Having determined that your countertop needs to be resealed, you must choose from the plethora of sealing products available on the commercial market. Again, the vendor you originally purchased your granite from is probably the best source to ask which sealer is best for your counter surface. Caulking the counter is actually quite a simple task, but the caulking compound manufacturer’s instructions should still be carefully read and understood before proceeding. Typically, you’ll clean the counter thoroughly with a special granite cleaning product, allowing time for it to dry completely. The sealant will then be applied as specified by the manufacturer and allowed to absorb for the recommended period of time. After the period of time required for soaking has elapsed, the surface will be cleaned and allowed to dry. After allowing three to twenty-four hours to elapse, the instructions for many products will specify the application of a second coat of sealer.

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