admin Posted on 6:52 pm

IBS Health Cures Come After Knowing The Cause – 5 Most Common Causes Explained!

In order to use the most effective IBS cures or health methods available, it is incredibly advantageous to start by identifying what is really causing your irritable bowel syndrome! That makes sense, right? Most people have no idea what the cause is. In this article, I go over the top 5 causes of irritable bowel syndrome for most IBS patients.

Remember, understanding the cause is a huge advantage no matter what strategy you choose to use! You are training to maximize any IBS health cure according to your specific IBS health cure knowledge so that you can fine tune and adapt the methods as a specialist would. This is much better than shooting in the dark like most doctors and patients do. Knowledge of what is happening is crucial and leads to complete cures!

It can be extremely painful and frustrating to deal with the health symptoms of IBS. I know what it feels like to go through so much pain and frustration. People with irritable bowel syndrome often report a large number of symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhea and cramps, etc., all in one episode! This is enough to ruin anyone’s night! For that to happen repeatedly is enough to reduce confidence in anyone’s personal, social and business life, even drastically!

Since you experience all of these IBS health symptoms, it would be easy to assume that they all have the same cause, right? This is false however. It’s actually a combination of different things going on in the stomach that each affect the other. In other words, what’s causing you to experience diarrhea may not be the same thing that’s causing your bloating and stomach cramps, so let’s break down what it is! As we go along, make a mental note of what you’re experiencing the most, and from there you’ll get some ideas for long-term solutions and health cures.

#1 Bacterial Overgrowth (Bacterial Overgrowth in the Small Intestine)

This is the number one cause of irritable bowel syndrome. Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine occurs when bad bacteria move into the area where only good bacteria should be, which is the small intestine, and the body begins to ferment the food you digest. This food is most commonly starches and sugars. The overproduction of gas is produced by bacteria that feed on the food you have eaten. The symptom it causes is bloating or a feeling of satiety after meals.

#2 Food allergies and sensitivities

Do you have any of these that you know of? Food allergies or sensitivities cause inflammation as the stomach reacts to food almost like a foreign object and becomes inflamed. This reaction and inflammation puts the digestive tract in an irritable state that makes it difficult for it to function properly. Food allergies can be caused by other symptoms and can lead to other causes. It sounds scary, but there are cures!

#3 Lack of digestive enzymes

People who need IBS health cures are often deficient in food enzymes. If you have a hard time breaking down food, it may feel like an ache or even an itchy sensation. Once the food leaves the body, it often won’t look the way it should. Some people get frustrated when they hear that digestive enzymes will help if they don’t completely cure their problem. Adding enzymes to your diet is not a cure for IBS health, it is simply a supplement to aid digestion. However, it is still very important.

#4 Parasites

Human beings are actually made of many different things that are already alive. Some of these things are good for us and some are bad. If a parasite is present, nausea and vomiting will occur more frequently. Do you experience this at all? Do you feel like you have a virus that hasn’t gone away? Don’t panic because we all have different foods and this is not a sure sign that you have a parasite. Even if you do have a parasite, keep in mind that they can usually be treated with antibiotics.

#5 Lack of healthy bacteria

There is a small cell lining or separation between the toxic parts of your stomach and the good parts. Not having enough healthy bacteria can lead to acid pain and further irritable bowel syndrome problems will be triggered. If you are experiencing this difficulty, it is important that we find active ways to reinforce that thin cell lining. The lining is very important!

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