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How to get an exact search on Google

Appear in Google Search with SEO

Search engine optimization also known as SEO. While search engine ranking is important. Showing up in search results is where the real traffic comes from. Therefore, many sites that appear on the results page are not necessarily a Page Rank One site. Quite the contrary. Because appearing on the results page is determined by the density of the target search phrase. Or target keyword density. The trick, however, is to use the target keyword or search phrase within the context of the content. So desperately bundling together a bunch of search phrases and target keywords will no longer work. Because search engines prefer high-quality content. The days of being a copy and paste salesperson are over.

Page Rank is especially important for building reputation. Many novice bloggers are blindsided by the SEO part of content creation. And finding the perfect keyword and search phrase. Density and context are often forgotten in the rush to beat SEO. Therefore, to appear at the top you must comply with four basic rules. Search keyword and phrase placement, keyword and search phrase density along with the quality of your content. And finally, high-quality backlinks to similar content.

How to take advantage of keyword and phrase placement

Google offers an excellent free tool. To be able to research relevant keywords and phrases so that they appear in search results. You will need a tool called “Google Keyword Planner“. Which you can access from your Google Ads (formerly known as Google Ad-Words) account. Then search for individual keywords and search phrases of a maximum of 2-3 keywords together. Your Google search results will be will display as “Your search term“and below that”ideaYou should use these two groups of keywords in your content. But always aim for keywords and phrases with high search volume and low competition volume.

Put the keyword or search phrase you want to appear on your blog or post in your browser. Also the first word or phrase of the title of your publication or blog. Which means it is the first word identified when search engines crawl your site. Therefore, your work can be placed in the correct category. To reach an interested public. Also, you want to fill the content of the post with the target keyword and search phrases. And try to make the target search phrase the first sentence of each paragraph as well.

Google processes billions of unique searches per day (about 3.5 billion). But the challenge is using it within the context of the award. And finally, all the Google keywords and phrases you want to target must be present in the first sentence of the first paragraph.

Keyword placement and suggested density

The target keyword and/or search phrase must be displayed at least once in the title. But try to include your target keyword and phrase no more than twice in the meta description. And as for the content of the post or page. A keyword density of not less than 0.6%. Which is roughly calculated at about 6 times. But 6% is the minimum requirement. However, the suggested maximum is around 2-4 times that (1.2% – 2.4%) for better search results. However, I must add that having such a high keyword density will require a lot of work. To appear in search results, you also want to use your target keywords and search phrases as tags. But don’t forget to add descriptions to all the tags you use.

Google also looks for keywords and search phrases within a certain tag description used for particular content. In fact, all categories and tags should have keyword-rich descriptions. Which is a huge plus. Once again back to the basics of SEO. The art of telling search engines what your work is about. But often it’s a little more difficult than anticipated. Because content must be created over time. In order to maintain uniqueness through recognition. Along with the density of keywords and phrases. There is also the use of transition words and subtitles that play a crucial role. To appear at the top of Google.

Unique quality content and conversion

Results are greatly improved with unique quality content. Something that is not available anywhere else on the internet. Therefore, Google is also leveraged to gain the necessary knowledge. To create such content and be recognized as a professional in your field. That is also the only one”Secret“about making money online. You need to offer your visitor exactly what they’re looking for. So the specific keyword and/or search phrase needs to be terrifyingly precise. You need to gather as much knowledge as it takes. And then convert that knowledge into an online income stream To appear in search results, it all comes down to location and quality content.

The position your site displays on the search results page will definitely attract visitors. It is entirely up to you whether you will benefit from those visitors. And the only way to do that is by offering value. While also focusing on the first impression. What is the first thing your visitor sees when following your link? Does the first impression (Post Featured Image) suggest a solution to a common need? Are you curious to want to know more?

Results work best with professional content. And that will never change. But you have a vast ocean of information to discover with Google search. All the knowledge you may need to deliver the required value.

Link to high-quality sites from within your content

Do your research with the Google Keyword Planning Tool. The basic rule of thumb is high search volume with little competition. Use your exact target keyword and the search phrase used with the keyword planner. And look for relevant sites. But also make sure that the domain has https protocol enabled. Because it seems that safe links are preferred by search engines. Just run a keyword check. And then link to the most relevant sites or articles for you. But how will you know which sites are quality back-links?

The volume of traffic for a particular site can be seen with tools like SimilarWeb. And the page rank can be checked with “PR Checker” (Google Page Rank Checker) or “Check Page Rank” (Check Page Rank Dot Net). While you may also want to check the trust rating of the site using “ScamAdvisor”. Just do a Google search for these keywords and you’ll be taken to all these free tools.

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