admin Posted on 10:15 pm

How blocked fallopian tubes cause infertility

Imagine an extremely healthy woman with no history of adverse health conditions. No irregularities in the menstrual cycle and no feeling of pain or discomfort as well. Now imagine the disbelief such a woman would feel when she finds out that she is unable to conceive a child due to infertility. Unfortunately for many perfectly healthy women, this is a reality they no longer need to imagine. It’s something they’re dealing with right now and it’s a huge shock to all those women.

While there could be any number of reasons why healthy women experience infertility, one of the main causes is actually blocked fallopian tubes.

The fallopian tubes are basically thin tubes found on either side of a woman’s uterus. These ducts fulfill a very important function, that of transporting the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. Not only that, but they are also responsible for the sperm swimming up and meeting the eggs. Both functions are directly related to pregnancy and it is obvious that any interruption causes infertility. Unfortunately, blocked fallopian tubes end up creating a blockage for both the woman’s eggs and the man’s sperm to go wherever they need to go to get pregnant. Without addressing the blockage, it becomes almost impossible for a woman to conceive a child and this is exactly why so many healthy women find themselves in a precarious position where they are unable to conceive.

There are quite a few reasons why the fallopian tubes can become blocked in the uterus. Some of the main causes are infections, side effects of birth control medications, scars from an old surgical wound, or even miscarriages or problems in previous pregnancies.

There are also different types of blockages in the fallopian tubes. The most common is a condition known as hydrosalpinx in which the fallopian tubes fill with fluid caused by an infection in the body. Sexually transmitted diseases can also damage the fallopian tubes and affect conception.

Although blocked fallopian tubes are a genuine cause for concern, as severe damage can drastically minimize the chances of having a baby, they are not the end of the world either. Some women with severe damage may have to opt for In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) while others may opt for natural treatments that directly affect the health of their reproductive system. It is recommended to get an x-ray or ultrasound first to find out the extent of damage to the fallopian tubes. If the blockage does not exceed repairable measures, then you can opt for a specific natural remedy that will slowly repair the affected areas and allow the movement of the eggs between the ovaries and the uterus.

Ideally, surgical treatments should be kept as a last resort considering the risks involved in such treatments. Also, if there are scar tissue left behind from the surgery, then there is a high chance that blocked fallopian tubes will reoccur, creating further complications when trying to conceive a child. Just go for natural therapies that can treat your fallopian tubes and get rid of all the underlying causes of the blockage.

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