admin Posted on 9:08 pm

Find a CrossFit mentor

Have your CrossFit workouts plateaued and your fitness goals become a blur? Do you feel like you’re not becoming the CrossFit warrior you initially envisioned?

Let me show you how to light the fire and keep your goals precise and clear! Many of us in the CrossFit ring have found the workouts addictive, but the results aren’t as pronounced as we’d like.

What I’m about to share with you is actually a ninja mind exercise bordering on stalking, without the creepy or legal issues that usually follow this type of deviant behavior! All of these can be obtained by the target person without even realizing it. Even if they are, I highly doubt they care. Actually, they might even be flattered to know that you have chosen them to be your mental mentor. This method is a surefire way to sharpen your workouts and shine the light at the end of the tunnel.

First, find the person you envy or wish you were in your CrossFit gym. Hell, it could be someone you’re so jealous of, you “hate” him! They must possess the features you want or the body you want to build. Learn as much about them as possible. Sometimes the more you learn about them, the less you want to be like them.

If this gym member has the training and personality traits you’d like to emulate, just copy them. You can envision them as a personal mentor or role model. Like I said before, they don’t even need to know you exist. Chances are, if they don’t know you now, they probably will at some point. Remember, like attracts like!

Do you want more resistance? Do you want to lose weight and keep it off? Do you want the best body you can have? Choose a member of your gym who has not only achieved what you strive for, but also keeps it going with class and dignity. It’s one thing for someone to lose weight in an unhealthy way, or be fit, but a complete jerk at the gym. Find the person who best reflects your ultimate goal.

The person you choose should have the clothes you want to build. If you talk to them about these habits, I can guarantee they will tell you that they fought through the various obstacles and distractions until their training and life patterns became automatic. Most likely, they were no different from you. Many athletes love to share their story.

Remember, start with the end in mind! Get this vision and let it become your focus. Look at your “CrossFit mentor.” See how they live their life and imitate it with maybe a little “twist” of your own. Above all, “Don’t reinvent the wheel”! Your focus should not stray from the ideal person or athlete you are striving to become.

The daily habits you develop by emulating your mentor will provide the foundation for who you want to become. You can’t just tell yourself that “I’ll exercise and eat like them when I’m at their fitness level.” You have to start acting like that person before you can transform into that person. In other words, live as if you have already achieved your goals. It’s amazing how your mind can be tricked into thinking you’re that person, even before you become that person. Habits often come true in a very short time. The clothes you have now are the same ones that got you where you are now. These are not the clothes you need to become the person you want! Better yet, think about what life would be like, in the near and distant future, if you didn’t change your habits.

Simply put, find the CrossFit member you envision and copy them. It’s as simple as that!


The CrossFit Diet Advice Team

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