admin Posted on 6:41 pm

Defective airbag box

Many factors go into determining whether or not you should decide to file a lawsuit because your airbag did not deploy.

Here are the factors that will help you decide whether to take legal action:

1. Under normal circumstances, should the airbag have deployed in this type of crash?

2. Why didn’t the airbag deploy?

3. If the airbag had worked, could I have been less injured?

4. Are the injuries caused by the defective airbag serious or life-threatening enough to be worth the cost of filing a defective airbag lawsuit?

1. Under normal circumstances, should the airbag have deployed in the crash?

Before deciding whether to file a product liability lawsuit for a defective airbag, it is best to examine the facts about the incident to be sure that the airbag did not function properly. In other words, should the airbag have deployed in the crash? Often, to answer this question, an investigator is used to examine the evidence. The speed at which the car was traveling is an important element to consider. A typical airbag will deploy if the car is traveling at or below 14 mph. In addition, the type of impact influences the deployment of an airbag. The airbags in the front of the vehicle must deploy in frontal impact crashes. Therefore, if you were traveling at a speed of 14 mph or higher and were struck in the front of your vehicle, then the frontal air bags should have activated. However, if you experienced a rear-end collision, your airbag may not have deployed because it was not made for this type of accident. Newer vehicles also have side airbags, so it is necessary to determine where in the car the airbags are located and analyze their effectiveness based on the type of accident that occurred.

2. Why didn’t the airbag deploy?

You must show that there is something wrong with the airbag that caused it not to deploy, even if you just think it should have in the accident you were in. You must have an experienced engineering expert testify that there is something wrong with the airbag. It can be expensive to have experts in this field come and testify on your behalf. Therefore, if you were not seriously injured, it would not be wise to spend the money trying to prove that the airbag should have worked.

3. If the airbag had worked, could I have been less injured?

In order to prove that you would have sustained fewer injuries if the airbag had deployed, medical experts should also be asked to provide testimony to provide evidence of this fact.

4. Are the injuries caused by the defective airbag serious or life-threatening enough to be worth the cost of filing a defective airbag lawsuit?

As you can see, airbag cases are complex and expensive to pursue. It may not be worth pursuing such a lawsuit, even if you think you have a strong claim. In other words, if the injuries you suffered as a result of the airbag not deploying were not substantial, then the cost of going through the legal process could be more than the settlement. On the other hand, if you were in fact seriously injured or one of the passengers was killed, you should consider starting a case and contacting a personal injury attorney immediately.

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