admin Posted on 9:15 pm

Deciduous Forests – Frequently Asked Questions

Have you ever had any interest in deciduous forests? How much do you know about these natural forests? Have you ever wanted to travel there for sightseeing? In this article, I would like to answer some questions that people frequently ask.

What is the reason for leaf fall in deciduous forests?

In autumn, the color of the trees will change to yellow as it cools down. And when winter comes, the leaves will fall. The leaves of temperate forest plants are light and broad. This allows the leaves to catch plenty of sunlight which can help produce nutrients for the plants, with a larger surface area. This feature is good when the weather is hot and humid. However, when the temperature drops more and more, the cold weather would cause the broad leaves to lose too much moisture and become damaged.

The fall season is a signal when the trees stop supplying water to the leaves and begin to hibernate. Then the chlorophyll that can turn the leaves green cannot be produced. The colors yellow, red, and gold are the likely colors the leaves will likely turn to. The leaves begin to decompose after falling to the ground, and due to this, the soil becomes very fertile.

Where to find deciduous forests?

Temperate forests often lie between the polar zones and the tropics. You can find temperate deciduous forests in the eastern parts of the US and most of Europe and South America. The continent of Asia also has some distributed deciduous forests. The places where these forests exist usually have four distinct seasons: warm spring, hot and humid summer, cool autumn and a cold winter. In general, enough rain also falls, around 90-180 cm throughout the year.

What are the plants and animals like in deciduous forests?

The species of life in these forests are quite rich and all have adapted well to the environment there. The types of trees in this biome range from hardwoods to evergreens, such as maple, oak, hemlock, and fir. There are also a large number of mammals, birds, insects, and reptiles that live in these temperate forests. However, as an interface to humans, many animals that used to be found frequently have been seriously persecuted and nearly extinct. That is really a pity.

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