admin Posted on 5:54 pm

Causes of back pain after using a trampoline

Internet forums are full of questions about the connection between back pain and trampoline use. There are many different types of injuries that can occur from jumping on a trampoline, from pulled muscles to head trauma. The following types of injuries can cause back pain.

Stretched muscle

Back pain after the trampoline can be caused by muscle tension. Jumping on a trampoline works the muscles of the legs, pelvis, and back, especially the stabilizer muscles. The stabilizing muscles work to protect the spine; They activate before you perform an activity, strengthening the spine against harmful compression. Ideally, this reinforcement protects the spinal discs and joints by keeping the spine aligned and absorbing some of the impact exerted on the body by movements such as jumping up and down.

If your stabilizer muscles are weak, they are likely to tense (or “pull”) on the trampoline. Tight muscles suffer small tears that usually heal in three days. Localized inflammation causes pain, swelling, and tenderness to the touch. A torn muscle also hurts when used. Since the back muscles are used in almost every movement, they can cause a significant amount of pain when pulling and take a little longer to heal.

It’s particularly easy to tense your stabilizer muscles if you have an uncomfortable or uncontrolled movement on a trampoline. As mentioned above, stabilizers are activated before movement to protect the spine. If a movement occurs unexpectedly, your body does not have time to prepare; the stabilizers will suddenly tighten in a last second attempt to protect the spine. This sudden tension can cause muscle tension.

The trampoline is generally considered a leisure activity, but it is also exercise. As such, it is important to warm up with dynamic stretches before jumping and cool down with static stretches after jumping. It is a good idea to develop core strength before spending long periods on a trampoline; stronger muscles are less stressed.

Spinal injury

A more serious spinal injury is also possible. This is primarily a concern if you fell off the trampoline, hit the side, or already have a degenerative spine problem.

If you fall off a trampoline, you may suffer a spinal joint dislocation (subluxation) or a vertebral fracture. These can occur in spinal segments from the lower back to the neck, although subluxation is less common in the thoracic spine. Symptoms of subluxation are pain, tenderness, and discomfort around the affected segment, muscle spasms, stiffness and weakness in the surrounding area, reduced spinal mobility, and / or pain, weakness, or numbness in the extremities. Spinal fracture causes sudden, severe pain that is worse when standing, walking, bending, and twisting. If you or your child experience any of these symptoms after an uncomfortable landing or fall on the trampoline, seek an examination by a medical professional.

The jolt associated with jumping on a trampoline can exacerbate pre-existing disc degeneration. The discs work to absorb the impact between the vertebrae; When a disc is worn, bulging, or herniated, it does not cushion the surrounding bones. Herniated or bulging discs can compress nerves as they exit the spine, causing pain, numbness, and weakness along the nerve pathway to an arm or leg. Jumping on a trampoline can cause asymptomatic disc abnormalities to become symptomatic or can worsen already present symptoms. Although disc wear can occur in younger people, it is more of a concern for people over the age of 30.

Past injuries aren’t the only concerns associated with the trampoline. Statistics of serious injuries, mostly suffered by children, have prompted the American Academy of Pediatrics to call for a ban on trampolines for use in the backyard. For a list of statistics and other types of injuries, see

If you choose to take trampoline risks, make sure children using the trampoline are supervised and follow the basic safety guidelines provided at rules /.

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