admin Posted on 8:21 pm

An astrological forecast for September 2011 with the autumnal equinox and the new moon in Libra

In a time of economic turmoil and transitions into the unknown, it has always been an internal balance for me to perceive myself in a universe that operates under significant laws and principles. Astrology is an ancient method of gaining insight and deeper insight into the cycles of the planets that bring change and touch our lives.

Western astrology is based on the unfolding of the seasons and the sign of Aries, the beginning of the zodiac is aligned with the beginning of spring, the vernal equinox. Our human survival on this planet is closely related to the different seasons spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Our life is lived in harmony with the rhythms of which we are a part. There is the small rhythm of day turning into night or the Moon’s journey through a complete circle in about 28.5 days or the faster earth’s rhythm around the Sun in one year. The Sun is thought to move through the 12 different astrological signs and therefore represents specific topics to deal with and potentials to use.

The four cardinal points that begin with Aries beginning spring, Cancer continuing summer, Libra beginning autumn, and Capricorn moving into winter signify important points of profound changes in the energy flow we receive from the sun.

Special Autumn Equinox with New Moon and 5 Planets in Libra

Right now, the length of the day is equal to the length of the night in the Western Hemisphere. Summer is over, even though we still have warm, sunny days and long, light-filled nights. It is a time to harvest and reap the results of our work and efforts. It is a time to celebrate our bounty with harvest celebrations (Thanksgiving) and gratitude in our hearts.

When the Sun enters Libra this month with a New Moon; Venus and Mercury will follow suit at some point. Libra symbolizes the glyph of the Scales and with it the fight for balance, harmony, justice, love, peace and relationships. With Saturn already in Libra, we have 5 planets in this balance-oriented sign this month and there is work to be done to achieve the high aspirations of this sign.

But what is special about this Equinox is the activation of this sensitive cardinal point through Pluto and Uranus and with it the cosmic imperative of evolution is intensified. The New Moon unfolding from here promises a turbulent month and fall.

It is also the fourth of six Super Moons this year. A Super Moon occurs when the Moon is closest to Earth, which amplifies the gravitational pull on Earth and on our psyche. It influences the magnetic field of the earth and definitely affects the individual.

New Moon Square Pluto and Opposition Uranus

The conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Mercury will be square Pluto and opposite Uranus and will put pressure on us to think differently and take action. Pluto and Uranus will feel very close and intimate through the involvement of the New Moon. The longing for harmony and balance in private affairs is facing harsh realities and we need courage to face our fears and insecurities, real change needs to happen.

Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries

These are the big ones giving us a hard time lately! Uranus, the god of lightning, revolution, sudden changes and earthquakes is fighting (square) with Pluto, the god of hell and the underworld, death and transformation. This is big! You just need to watch the news and you can see the signs.

To give you an idea of ​​the powerful energies that Pluto and Uranus represent, just remember that in January 2008 Pluto entered Capricorn for the first time and with it the collapse of the economy began to become apparent to the public.

Pluto entered Capricorn

With Pluto’s third pass over the threshold of Capricorn in late 2008, it became painfully clear that things were not the way we like them. Since then, the global economy has been in a collapse that touches countless layers of our personal lives. It has almost become official that investing in gold could be a good thing to protect your savings against inflation and the collapse around you.

Uranus entered Aries

Uranus entered Aries on March 13, 2011 and on that day the great earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan and woke the world up to the fact that nuclear reactors are neither safe nor controllable.

Both planets will enter new signs and square each other 7 times in the next 4 years and turn our world as we know it upside down. I think it’s a good thing in the big picture of human evolution. I think many of us agree that change is needed. Transformation is underway on a global and personal level and we don’t have much of a choice about it.

The choice we have is to become as conscious as possible and contribute our bit of love and higher perspective to the cauldron of change. I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately with the prominent action of the transit of Pluto and Uranus in the natal charts. Bringing the light of understanding helps to integrate and find higher paths and deeper meaning to turmoil and stress. We are the people who signed up to help those monumental changes and contribute through our own inner growth and strong actions.

Pluto in Capricorn will eventually lead to a more sustainable and ethical economy based on the needs of the many versus the greed of the few. Uranus in Aries encourages us to confront injustice rebelliously and develop innovative strategies for change. We are at the dawn of a new millennium, it will just take some time for it to fully manifest into one bright day.

Highlights of the month:

Mercury enters Virgo on September 9.

Full Moon in Pisces September 12

Venus dances in Libra on September 15

Venus conjunction Saturn September 29

Pluto turns direct on September 16.

March March to Leo on September 19

The Sun enters Libra on September 23 and marks the Autumnal Equinox.

Mercury enters Libra on September 25 in conjunction with the Sun and the Moon

New Moon in Libra September 27

This month I have been more in the big picture and focusing time and space on Pluto and Uranus. I will write an article later this month and give an update on the New Moon and the Full Moon.

I wish you a fruitful journey and a grateful heart, aloha Shakti.

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