admin Posted on 4:22 pm

5 Big Fat Six Pack Abs Lies

If you want to get a flatter stomach or rock-hard abs, you need to do a lot more than sit-ups and sit-ups. Here are 5 big lies about abs and fat loss that may be keeping you from getting the ripped abs and flat tummy you deserve.

Big Fat Lie #1: You Can Lose Fat From Your Abs

It doesn’t matter if you do a million sit-ups a day, it’s impossible to “spot reduce” belly fat. As the old saying goes “you can’t train on a bad diet”; Abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym. Diet is responsible for 90% of your results! To burn the fat that covers your abs, you need a good diet and a solid strength training program to back it up.

Big Fat Lie #2: You have to do sit-ups every day to get a flat stomach or flat stomach.

The abdominals are like any other muscle. You wouldn’t train your legs every day, so why would it make sense to train your abs every day? Instead of overworking your abs every day, train them twice a week and throw in some unconventional ab exercises like Mountain Climbers and Stability Ball Jackknife for an added edge.

Big Lie #3: If you do a bunch of different ab exercises and a bunch of reps, all that matters is feeling “the burn.”

Sit-ups and sit-ups are two of the least effective exercises for developing six pack abs. Not only is it useless to do an exercise where you can do hundreds of easy reps, but sit-ups and sit-ups can also cause lower back pain. Be sure to focus on quality reps and not rep count. Maintain strict form and stick to ab exercises where you can only perform sets in the 15-20 rep range.

Big Fat Lie #4: This new fat burning pill will help me lose belly fat.

Your six-pack isn’t locked inside a miracle potion or marketing pill. In fact, many of these “fat burning” pills can actually make your abs look worse because they consume more muscle than fat. Follow a fat-burning, muscle-building diet year-round and you’ll see better results than any fat-burning pill.

Big Lie #5: You can’t have a flat stomach or ripped abs because your genetics suck.

You may hear people tell you that you’ll never lose your belly fat and get a six-pack because you just don’t have the “right genes.” The sad part of this statement is that many TRAINERS will even tell people this nonsense!

If you have a trainer who ever says this nonsense to you, run! The truth is, even if you have the “worst genes” ever, if you make better food choices and start exercising smarter, you can get any body type you want.

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