admin Posted on 5:48 pm

The benefits of a raw food diet

Of the many diets aimed at reducing weight, one of the most interesting is a diet consisting mainly of foods in the raw state: vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, legumes, dairy products and honey.

An increasing number of dieters prefer this type of diet to the many “fad” diets that are broadcast on popular television shows or in the ubiquitous lifestyle and health magazines. A diet that consists primarily of raw and therefore unprocessed foods is easy to prepare, much cheaper than popular diets and prepared meal offerings, and gets the results people want.

Supporters of such a diet, i.e. eating a diet consisting of more than 75% raw food, believe that once food is heated to a high level, the components of food that aid digestion are destroyed again. irreversible way. When food is eaten raw, these components, enzymes, combine with the body’s enzymes to aid in digestion.

Medical opinion on the results of eating a primarily raw food diet varies. Supporters along with aspects of the medical profession believe that eating such a diet aids in weight loss and helps the body overcome some medical conditions. Other research has shown that eating raw foods can lead to other health problems.

Compared to a conventional diet, raw foods are extremely low in oils and fats, calories and sodium derivatives, and are high in fiber. While some variations of a raw food diet contain adequate amounts of some of the trace elements, others do not.

A diet consisting solely of non-animal products will need supplements to make up for the lack of some vitamins and trace elements. These may be available in foods derived from animal material.

The health benefits of eating raw food are said to be many. In addition to improving digestion, it is said to reduce the risks of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Weight loss is a major reason for some people to adopt a raw food diet.

An efficient raw food diet may not appeal to many people, however food can take many forms. Fruits and vegetables can be juiced; dried foods and dried fruits can be reconstituted by soaking in liquid; raw fish and some meats can be marinated to enhance their flavor.

A person new to a diet consisting mostly of raw foods may experience some short-lived ill effects, such as headaches or nausea. This can happen if the person has enjoyed a diet rich in meat and sugar. It should be noted that a raw food diet is not suitable for very young children, nursing mothers, and pregnant women. And because such a diet may be lacking in certain vitamins, minerals, and other essentials for good health, then proper supplementation should be sought by medical advice.

While the basic premise for following a raw food diet is that cooking destroys the enzymes in food, making it difficult to digest, many in the nutrition field oppose this view. They argue that our bodies are more than capable of providing enough enzymes and do not need the enzymes from raw foods.

However, the number of people around the world who are converting to this radical diet is testimony to its effectiveness.

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