admin Posted on 6:22 pm

Signs Of The Law Of Attraction At Work: 5 Signs To Look For

Sometimes, despite our best efforts to bring things into our lives, the law of attraction can seem pretty stubborn. Deep down, you know that things are probably happening, but your conscious mind is constantly nagging you for evidence that they are happening. Now. This minute! So what can you look for in the way of signs to show that the law of attraction is really working?

1. Coincidences happen more often

Part of the law of attraction process is the occurrence of coincidences. These happen all the time, but when you try to manifest things in your life, they can happen more frequently.

These often subtle signs are often overlooked in the normal course of events, so it’s worth sitting down at the end of each day and going over the things that have happened that fit under the umbrella of coincidence.

Write them down in a journal and you will probably start to see a pattern emerge related to the elements you intend to manifest in your life.

2. Synchronicity happens more often

This is related to the coincidences side of things. Synchronicity is when two unrelated events happen very close together, and while they appear unrelated at first, they have more in common than you might expect at first glance.

Synchronicity is often reported in scientific experiments in which researchers in different parts of the world, and who have not had contact with each other’s research teams, have the same idea.

Again, write down any such event in your journal because, in the same way as coincidences, synchronicity seems to happen a lot more when you pay attention to it.

3. Opportunities come at the right time

This is when you really start to realize that the law of attraction is starting to work for you.

As with the other options we’ve seen, opportunities are actually in our lives almost all the time. But they are often hiding in plain sight, which means we miss them.

The law of attraction focuses our lives even if we don’t recognize it at first.

Keep your mind open to opportunities that could take you further down the path to manifest whatever it is you have put on your heart.

4. You are more focused

Even the most scattered among us will probably notice that they have more focus when they intend to manifest something using the law of attraction.

Even if you don’t do much (if anything) after you’ve set your intention, your mind and the universe know that you’ve put the idea out there to make something happen.

In turn, this will translate into increased concentration for you. At first, maybe not much. But over time you’ll notice this surefire sign that the law of attraction is at work, working in the background, to make your wish come true.

5. You feel more in charge

This is similar to the fourth point, but it is one step closer to manifesting all those things that you have focused your thoughts on.

It’s the control freak side rearing its head over the barricade.

Again, since this is probably not a natural state for you, it takes a bit of time to show, but persevere and it will definitely show up more in your life and you will start to see the signs that the law of attraction is working for you. you in a positive way.

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