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Secrets of Shaolin Kung Fu’s Eagle Claw Power and Technique

Unsurprisingly, as’ King of the Birds’, the eagle is sometimes called the ‘Sky Dragon’ and this secret Shaolin fighting exercise or ‘Kung’ is sometimes called ‘Sky Dragon Claw Art. ‘. Also known as ‘Eagle Claw Strength’ or ‘Ying Zhao LiI’, it is a finger specific exercise and falls, unusually, in both Yin / Rou or Soft Internal Energy Training and Yang / Gang Hard Training Categories Shaolin Secret External Energy and Finished Arts.

The hard external dimensions of the craft are acquired for the first time before trying the more difficult soft internal aspects. As the Shaolin Maxim says: “There is no Difficult without Soft and Soft without Difficult”. In this unity of opposites, one dimension of performance supports the other in an integration of Yin and Yang.

Technical analysis

With the attack force of the body concentrated on the five fingers of the attacking hand, the forceful application of this technique can seriously damage opponents. Like the talons of an eagle, the fingers are spread out with all five slightly spread. The student’s intense concentration on these in training eventually leads to internal energies flowing into them and like claws causing them to penetrate the skin, flesh and even internal organs of opponents as if they had been stabbed with a sharp knife.

Opponents attacked in this way feel shocked and numb and are therefore easily knocked out (unfit to continue). If a ‘xue’ or pressure point is grabbed, the opponent is instantly ‘defeated’.


Stage 1: Yang / Gang External Energy Training

A short-necked, narrow-mouthed vase weighing approximately 15 pounds is required. The student stands in front of this, either in the horse posture (Ma Bu) or in the climbing posture (Deng Shan Bu) and with the 5 fingers of the hand to be trained covering the opening and grabbing the neck, he tries to lift it. approximately chest level. . The short, smooth neck makes this difficult at first and it may take 3 months of practice before this can be easily accomplished.

When this can be done easily, half a liter of water is added to the carafe and each time such weight gain is achieved a half liter more is added until the carafe is full. Some prefer sand to water at this stage. Finally, iron slabs are placed into the jar one by one and the exercise proceeds as before until all the iron content in the jar can be easily lifted. At this point, the Eagle Claw Power Arts Yang / Gang External Energy Training Requirements are complete.

Stage 2: Internal Yin Energy Training? Rou

‘Training using the elements’ is the name of this stage. Early in the morning, outdoors, facing the rising sun, with the five fingers extended in the shape of an eagle claw, the student uses as much willpower as possible to focus on them and performs repeated pulling and grabbing actions on the empty air. As the Sun is remote and unreachable, the external Yang / Gang energy flows are restricted and its internal Yin / Rou counterparts are promoted as the Qi follows the mind and flows into the fingers as a consequence. This adds lethal and penetrating qualities of Yin to the Yang force acquired in Stage 1. Hard and Soft together produce synergies that add tremendous potencies to this technique.


Once Ying Zhao Li is acquired after long practice, point your finger at a flying bird and it will fall from the sky like a stone (exactly as if it had seen a flying eagle) and the most restless horse will instantly calm down. Similary. However, a warning is required as, if training is abandoned midway, the hand may retain an irredeemable claw-like appearance, despite medical help.

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