admin Posted on 7:31 pm

Sarcoidosis treatment in women

Sarcoidosis can be a debilitating disease that causes recurring inflammation in the body. Affected areas may include the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, skin, heart, brain, and eyes.

Treatment of sarcoidosis must address the hormonal balance of the body. Hormones produced during a woman’s cycle can trigger pre-existing inflammation and pain in the body, particularly during the period. The pain can range from mild to debilitating and may be accompanied by nausea, loose stools, headaches, and back pain.

Prostaglandins are the hormones that cause the lining of the uterus to shed. They cause the menstrual flow to start, so the pain and cramps are worse at the beginning of the period. As prostaglandins decrease, so do cramps.

Prostaglandins will increase inflammation and pain throughout the body. If you have pre-existing inflammation from a condition such as sarcoid, you will probably find that this inflammation and pain increase during your period. Commonly inflamed areas include the lungs, joints, liver, lymph nodes, and skin. Fluid retention and swelling may also occur.

Treatment of sarcoidosis should aim to minimize this cycle of inflammation. A healthy diet is crucial. A good intake of essential omega 3 fats plus fresh foods rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc are important during the treatment of sarcoidosis. It is necessary to consume enough calories, since a healthy percentage of body fat helps maintain a good hormonal balance, including that of prostaglandins.

Natural anti-inflammatory foods like ginger, turmeric, deep-sea fish, pineapple, and papaya may also be beneficial during sarcoidosis treatment to reduce menstrual pain.

Chinese medicine has a long history of use for treating painful periods and PMS symptoms such as fluid retention, sore breasts, headaches, mood swings, and bloating. Herbs Dong Quai, Evodia, Ginger, and Cinnamon can help manage menstrual pain.

Gentle exercise such as walking, yoga, cycling, and swimming can help during sarcoidosis treatment by improving circulation to the uterus. The exercise keeps the pelvis aligned and mobilized. If you suspect your pelvis is out of alignment, it’s a good idea to see a good chiropractor or osteopath.

You can ease menstrual cramps with isometric exercises that loosen up your pelvis and improve circulation. For example, get on all fours and arch your back up and down like a cat stretching. Repeat several times to relieve menstrual pain.

When the cramps start, you can also lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Ask a friend to hold your knees together while you try to spread them apart. Do this at least three times and then do the exercise in reverse.

Heat application and massage have also been tested with positive results for menstrual pain. Even a hot bath can provide quick relief. The addition of Epsom salts (2 cups to a hot bath) is even more effective as the magnesium in Epsom salts acts as a muscle relaxant.

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