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Does your zodiac sign make you spendthrift or frugal?

We have always known that our spending habits are a product of our upbringing and environment. If a person comes from a modest income household, he is more likely to be someone who keeps a tight rein on his cash flow. But the opposite is also true, where an individual spends a lot because that is what they are accused of. But did you know that his horoscopes, which you’ve traditionally relied on for indications of where your life is headed, can be an equally important factor in determining whether he’s inclined to be thrifty or extravagant in his spending habits?

Wouldn’t you like to know how you’re inclined to spend money? Let’s take a look and see what your zodiac sign has to tell you about it:


Aries, known for their sense of adventure and aggressiveness, also have a wild streak when it comes to spending. When they want something, they stop at nothing to get it. To make sure they can do it, they like to constantly think of new and innovative ways to make money and feed their desires. Aries are geniuses when it comes to saving and may even be inclined to spend it lavishly, but they are always aware of their limits and consequently never go broke.


Taurus’s love of the extravagant is well known and therefore inclined to be a spendthrift. Because Taurus are also hard workers, they follow a strong work ethic and earn accordingly, but because of their love of luxury and comfort, they tend to spend a lot. However, because they are known to be very generous, a Taurus individual should be careful when dealing with people who might be inclined to take advantage of the aforementioned generosity.


The level-headed Gemini is often known for his ability to handle money. Geminis are people who work hard to earn and save money, while also having frugal spending habits. But your twin nature can often cause internal conflicts when deciding whether to spend now and save later or save now and spend later. It is wiser for them to focus on finding a middle path with saving and spending themselves.


Despite being born under the Moon, Cancerians are not affected by the changing tides of the Moon when it comes to their finances. In fact, they are known to have frugal spending habits. A Cancer will spend more often only `on their basic needs. However, one area where a Cancer makes an exception is when they are on the go, always being ready for a road trip or vacation.


Leos are very disciplined when it comes to matters related to money. Leos are well known for their balanced sense of spending and will save ahead of time to save themselves from the guilt resulting from an expensive purchase. A Leo is also famous for their negotiating ability and still looks like a million bucks, even on a tight budget.


With very few voices and a tendency to be ultra-frugal, Virgo tends to save a lot. They often squeeze a penny for all its worth. The Virgo zodiac is known to rule the stomach and intestinal organs and therefore it should come as no surprise that the area where they tend to make an exception and spend is food.


Represented by scale, Libras tend to take the balanced approach for which they are known. They take a calculated approach when it comes to their finances. A Libra will know when to save and when to enjoy their savings. However, they also often have a wild side that causes them to spend on adventures such as travel.


While thrift may not be one of Scorpio’s strongest suits, they are considered financial wizards. Their keen sense of analysis and intuition when it comes to market trends makes them very successful in getting rich schemes. A Scorpio is driven by need and will tend to spend on their desires, but they compensate by finding ways to finance the purchase.


Sagittarius are known to be good at saving considerable amounts of cash and also making the careful spending that they need and not necessarily what they want. People born under this sign consider themselves lucky when it comes to finding money-earning opportunities, and they become better money managers as they age.


A firm believer in hard work, a Capricorn is never broke and always has money to spend. Not only do they have exceptional money-earning abilities, but they can also resist spending it for long periods of time. While a Capricorn doesn’t easily lend money to others, they won’t borrow money either. However, they are lovers of luxury and often spend on tasteful clothing or furniture.


Known for finding a way to pursue their passion, their career, and succeed with it, Aquarians are known for their natural talent for making money and famous for their ability to hoard it. But they are also known to be generous to those around them. Although the more they work for money, the more likely they are to understand the value of money.


Pisceans are very good at saving a considerable amount of cash when they put their minds to it, but due to their fluidic sign, and they go with a fluid nature, they are often prone to impulse purchases. It is said that of all the Zodiacs, Pisces will benefit the most from a financial advisor. Pisceans never hesitate to try new money-making schemes, due to their impatient nature. But they will never give up hard work, even if they are underpaid, which is why they are also excellent employees.

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